A Guide To User Friendly Email Newsletter Templates---
User friendly email newsletter templates work for the one who is offering the newsletter, because they are easy to learn how to use; are attractive to potential customers and clients; and are affordable.
But probably more importantly, these email newsletter templates are customer/client friendly: they have large enough fonts, use a logical organization, have a few colors to distinguish entries and headers, and have linking capabilities so the readers of the newsletter can read complete articles (as just the teaser might appear in the body of the newsletter), can go to the webmaster’s site to read the newsletter in a different format, or can visit related links (items and sites alluded to in the articles, for example).
I subscribe to numerous writers’ newsletters, as they are the best for helping us freelancers get jobs, avoid the scam artists and deadbeat clients (who take writing product and run without paying), and learn more and better ways to write, run a writing business, etc.. One of the reasons beyond these that I choose to subscribe and read the ones I do is because they (the webmasters) clearly use decent email newsletter templates. I speak of this as one who is aware of the necessities of decent email newsletter templates that have high readability, that are “user friendly”, if you will.
Let me give you some examples of newsletters that are fantastic for all of the above reasons and more. Angela Hoy puts out a newsletter every Wednesday called Writers Weekly.
Krista Barrett issues an award-winning newsletter from Writer Gazette. Dave Copeland issues a daily newsletter for freelance writers, which one can get by visiting http://freelancewriting.com. And Dan Case offers a Writing for Dollars newsletter, which has many of the features writers seek.
And also every Wednesday, Jenna Glatzer puts out a freelance writing newsletter from her site, http://AbsoluteWrite.com. I mention Jenna’s newsletter last as she is the most engaged with her readers, always opening each and every issue with a letter discussing what she is doing, what we are doing, what the world of writers are doing. As well, Glatzer stays current with user-friendly formats.
That is, she updates the look and feel of the Absolute Write website, writer forums, and newsletter. Therefore, she seems to be constantly on the lookout for email newsletter templates that facilitate reader-needs, goals, and intentions.
Her sites and newsletters, always evolving, always progressive, have a massive following…for the reasons stated in the opening paragraphs above. May you be as oriented, well-intentioned, and successful with your own newsletters!
A Healthy Dose Of Trust Works Wonders With Your Email List----
While the rest of the world have developed many barriers and protection to keep their email accounts spam-free, there are also those that sign up to receive emails that promote various products, and services and their sites. This is mainly because these opt in subscribers wants to know more about what these sites are offering and can be beneficial for them. They expect to be kept posted on what they are interested in and whats new in the market or field they have chosen.
Businesses would be so lucky to have these kinds of customers, the basic element needed to get these type of people is, trust. When your customers trust you, they will reward you with their loyalty. Many internet users have gone to great lengths in protecting their email accounts from spam mail. Some free-mail internet providers and internet service providers offer spam protection while there are also some internet based companies that screen your mails for you.
With an opt in subscriber mail list, the email you send containing your promotional materials such as newsletters, catalogs and marketing media will go through. Your intended recipient will be able to read and view what you have sent, making it a successful transfer of information. To be able to be allowed to do so, you will need permission from your recipient, to get this permission; you need to be able to get their trust. With the great lack of disregard for privacy in the internet, getting the trust of an internet user, you do not personally know is a big achievement.
To build a good opt in subscriber list you need people to trust you, for a faster and quicker build up, you need to get your opt in subscribers to trust you quickly. The faster you build your opt in list the faster word about your site and company gets to be spread. The bigger the scope of your opt in list the more traffic you get, which means more profits. Its easy maths if you think about it. Getting the numbers is not that simple though, or maybe it is?
Getting the trust of your clientele should not be so hard, especially if you do have a legitimate business. Getting your customers trust should be based upon your expertise. People rely on other people who know what they are talking about. Gather all the knowledge and information about your business. Frankly if you decide to go into a business, you most probably already have an interest in it. Like how many basketball players become coaches, you don’t really venture into something you don’t have any interest in.
Show your clients that you know what you are talking about. Provide them with helpful hints and guidelines that pertain to what you are selling. Talk about how to install a roof if you're selling roofing materials or provide articles on insurance settlements if you are a settlement lawyer. You do not have to be a big corporation to make use of an opt in list. If your customers see you as someone who knows what he is doing and saying, they will trust you quickly.
Be true to your customers, if you want to hype up your products and services, provide guarantees. The more satisfied customers you get, the bigger probability there is, that they will recommend you. Generally, people will trust someone they know, when that someone recommends you, then you’re a shoo-in. They will go to your site and check it for themselves and be given a chance to experience what the others have experienced from you, so make sure to be consistent in the service you provide.
Another tip in getting a customer to trust you quickly is to provide them an escape hatch. Show them that you are not there to trap them. Keep a clean list that would enable them to unsubscribe anytime they want. Elaborate your web form by providing information on how to unsubscribe from the list. Guarantee them that they can let go of the service when ever they want to. Many are wary that they may be stuck for life and would have to abandon their email accounts when they get pestered with spam.
Remember that when you get the trust of your clients do not lose that trust. Because if you do anything with their email addresses like sell them or give them out, you will lose many members of your list as well as potential members. The true quickest way to gain the trust of your subscribers is when you are recommended by someone they trust.
Achieve the Appropriate Tone in Email----
Are your email messages too casual? Or, are they too formal? Are you using the appropriate tone?
Email messages are different from typed letters. You can’t be “too” formal in a letter. In an email, too formal looks silly. What’s the appropriate tone for an email? -- slightly more casual than a letter. Yet, there’s a fine line between being too relaxed and too stiff.
To some degree, the attitude and culture of your company will dictate the amount of formality necessary. For example, floral shops and hotels won’t be as formal as a bank or law firm.
As you compose the message, consider the person who will be reading it. Know your audience.
The job gets easier when you’re replying to a message. You can already see the tone of the sender. All you have to do is match that tone.
When in doubt, strive for a tone that is professional, yet conversational. One easy way to achieve a conversational tone is to use contractions (I’ll, we’ll, he’s, she’s).
Also, it’s acceptable to use pronouns. In conversation, we use the words “I, we, you.” So, use these in emails. For example, “It is suggested . . . “ sounds very stiff. Instead, try, “I suggest . . .”
Be careful with the pronoun “I.” Using too many can be perceived as egotistical. You don’t want to appear pompous. If you notice an abundance of “I’s,” try rewriting every other sentence. This will create variety, and that pesky personal pronoun won’t be as obvious.
Email is a great form of communicating. Just remember that your old typed-letter writing style should be adapted so your messages don’t sound stilted and stiff. On the other hand, email is NOT a license to be sloppy. The most effective email messages find a happy balance. They have a conversational tone.
All about Email Marketing----
Email marketing and newsletters may be sent with more confidence for less than most of the competition. Emails are priced according to the quantity you purchase, so the more you get, the less they cost. email marketing solutions when they need to: Make customer communication more efficient and to improve the productivity or their marketing resources Improve email marketing deliver ability—ensuring their communications are delivered to the highest percentage of recipients as possible Accelerate customer acquisition and conversion rates from their email marketing efforts Track the performance of their marketing efforts from communication to transaction—connecting campaigns to tangible return on marketing investment Leverage dynamic content for customized one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many email marketing communications Reduce their marketing costs while improving the performance and productivity of their marketing resources Make it easier and faster for customers to buy their products and services than any other marketing or sales channel Integrate voice, fax and sms text communications channels with their email marketing efforts Maximize Web analytics data to improve customer acquisition, customer retention and customer growth results.
Marketing leaders across all industries—business-to-business and business-to-consumer—are using email marketing as their core channel for acquiring, retaining and growing customers.
Bulk email hosting can be affordable and bulk email can even be free. Bulk email sender for email newsletters, targeted email campaigns and email announcements. Bulk emailer is easy to use mass email software, which is used to send bulk email.
Quite apart from these practical considerations, there is also a strong argument which says that long-term successful email marketing relationships with customers and others can only work anyway if they're permission based. It's important to stress that anyone considering email marketing must read up on the subject of permission and spam. By offering value-added services to your existing clients with email marketing software, you can build indestructible customer loyalty, gain a sharp competitive advantage and increase the average order value per client.
Always collect an email address----
The power of collecting an email address is amazing. As I mentioned in a prior article, you can expect between 1 and 10 percent of visitors to make a purchase on their initial visit to your website (conversion rate) and between 10 and 33 percent to give you their email address (signup rate). Often visitors weren’t intending to buy any product but were after more information on your subject. Studies show it often takes 7 communications before a customer will buy a product. Believe me, after selling websites, it’s very rare to get a ‘yes’ on the first visit. Websites can be quite complex so maybe it’s not the best example but people just need more information and confidence before they’re ready to buy.
We need to offer the customer an awesome product that they simply can’t say no to for them to give us their email. Often people have no intention of handing out their email address but a careful planned report or mini-course that is instantly delivered to them is often incentive enough for them to build that bridge.
The method of collecting email addresses is called an autoresponder. That is, a database that stores names and email addresses and can send out pre-programmed email addresses to recipients. These can be customised and sent instantly, 1 day, 5 days and anywhere up to 10 years after the initial email was collected. Very powerful and effective. Third party autoresponders that sit on a separate server are the most effective and you can generate your own signup form to place on your website.
You can also send an email to your database at any time. Let’s look at an example of the power of an email database. Let’s say you attract 200 visitors each day (easily possible) and have a signup rate of 15%, so that’s 30 email addresses a day, and after a year you have 10 950. If you mailout a promotion for a course you have created that costs $97 and just 3% of your list signs up (quite reasonable), that’s an income of $31 864.50 just from one mailout. This profit is realised over a few days and a great example of the power of a distribution list and a value-adding product. So make sure you ask for that email address. Our goal is to add value for our customers so we need to work out what information will be useful to them and make it available. The easiest way to do that is via email.
Anti-Spammers Need To Develop Better Manners-----
I sent my e-zine out last week and I received a copy of it back. It had been forwarded to me by a subscriber. In the subject line was a two word sentence; since most publications and websites frown upon vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity, I have spared you the exact wording. Be assured, however, that Miss Manners would definitely not approve.
It is understandable the frustration that people feel when they are inundated with unsolicited commercial e-mail. I myself get more than my fair share.
Despite my Internet Service Provider (ISP) enabling a spam filter and in spite of configuring my own e-mail program filters, I still get spam.
However, the situation with my subscriber is different. He opted in and confirmed his subscription. I use an outside service to handle my mailing lists, in part, to protect myself from false spam complaints.
There are a number of possibilities here. Perhaps my dear subscriber forgot that he subscribed and honestly believed that he received spam.
Another possibility is that he didn't enjoy the content. The correct response when someone offers you something you don't want is "No, thank you" not "Expletive deleted".
If you are offered dessert after dinner by your host and you don't want any, simply say "No, thanks." If you accept one piece of pie and then you're offered another, you may either accept or decline.
My subscriber could simply have unsubscribed. Instead, he retaliated (either because he believes I'm spamming him or he doesn't like the newsletter).
He said "yes" when he subscribed; he can always say "no" by unsubscribing. Again, "No, thank you" not "Expletive deleted".
Related to this rudeness is the ignorance some America Online, Inc. (AOL) subscribers show. By ignorance, I mean that they may not even realize they are doing anything wrong when they report e-mail they don't like as spam.
AOL makes it very easy for their subscribers to report spam. I would say they make it too easy.
Just click the button "Report Spam". Unfortunately, there is no notation near that button that says "If you subscribed, just unsubscribe." No, simply "Report Spam."
And they do. Rather than unsubscribe, some AOL subscribers will report your e-zine as spam. They opted in and subscribed. They confirmed their subscription by e-mail. Their name, e-mail address, IP address, and date and time of subscribing have all been recorded. But, they are reporting you as a spammer.
This, to me, goes beyond rude, as it could affect the reputation and livelihood of the one being reported.
I wish I could say that receiving obscenities or threats by e-mail is rare. Sadly, this is not the first time for me.
Among the many messages I receive are some that say that the e-mail I tried to send (from some strange or nonsensical name at my domain) was undeliverable or blocked and is being returned to me. Of course, I never sent that e-mail in the first place.
Occasionally, I receive rude (sometimes threatening) e-mails from people who thought I sent them some of these spoofed e-mails. This is the equivalent of swearing at and threatening someone who you believe allowed his dog to defecate on your lawn. The only problem is that the man doesn't have a dog.
Again, I sympathize with those who are irritated by spam. I just wish they would direct their indignation at the spammers instead of me. In fact, Miss Manners would have reminded us all that there is never any excuse for rudeness.
Are Autoresponders really that important to internet marketing?---
Essentially, there’s no internet marketing without autoresponders, and vice versa. It’s very simple: without the use of autoresponders, it’s impossible to succeed at Internet Marketing nowadays. Autoresponders can take over many of those marketing tasks that make an online business successful.
As an Internet Marketer, you’ll probably agree when I say Internet Marketing is pretty time consuming. A big part of your marketing arsenal are your autoresponders. They can be used to stay in touch with your existing customers, but they’re even more important as a tool to develop a relationship with your potential customers.
With an autoresponder, you can deliver sales messages or email courses. You can send reminders and some autoresponders can help you to build your list. When you think about it for a minute, you can probably come up with plenty of ideas how to use your autoresponder to generate more sales en to build relations with your customers. A bit of creativity on your side, creates endless possibilities.
When you want to become a successful internet Marketer, you need to know this: an opt-in list and an autoresponder are vital to any type of online marketing. In fact, if you would take away all of their marketing tools, most marketers would fight to the death to be able to keep their list and autoresponder!
Auto Responders:- Do I Need One?----
How would you feel if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email?....sound good….!While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful internet marketing people. And the reason for this: an Auto responder..!
An Auto responder is an automatic method of responding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is a must for any Internet Business or organization. Time is money and answering e-mails personally takes far too much of your already valuable time for you and your customers. Auto responders allow you to spend this time on other important aspects of your business whilst the customer receives the information required almost immediately
Because of the versatility of Auto-responders they can be used by practically any type of business. Answering questions about products and services, providing information on pricing and delivery including being used to welcome new customers to your website and thanking them for visiting.
Why use an Auto-responder? When you can list the information on your site…..the advantage is that they send you notification each time a response is sent out allowing you to track the success of your promotions that your conducting. Plus e-mail addresses of possible customers so that you can post update and new information to them.
It is crucial to choose the right one. An auto-responder should enable you to be as personal as etiquette allows in sending out follow ups to all potential customers as persistence has been proven to pay off. It often takes as many as 7 e-mails before any sale in finalised. In some cases the customers have asked for specific information and therefore an Auto-responder should allow unlimited space for the text to do this. But generally speaking advertisement should be short, direct and to the point.
Auto-responders are one of the important internet marketing tools that should not cost a lot in terms of value for money. There are free auto-responders available online from many sources, although generally speaking a greater range of facilities are offered by the paid for programs.
Finally the automatic responses of the auto-responder will add to your business strategy and increase traffic to your site day and night whilst you do nothing. Just make sure that the one you finally select supplies you with all your requirements you need enabling you increase business profitability and internet standing.
Auto Responders: The Marketers Magic Trick----
Imagine if John (an avid poker player) visits your website. You sell a book that helps him improve his poker game. He's highly interested in what you have to offer, but he's just not ready to purchase yet. He's still recovering from that extended holiday and needs to pay off the credit card that he maxed out playing poker online.
He sees a form on your site asking if he'd like more detailed information, and so he fills in his name and email address. Within seconds an email is sent to John with a short summary of the benefits offered by your book and a couple of useful tips he can use right away.
A few days later, John receives another email that goes something like this:
"Hey John, I know you're quite busy, especially with the holiday period coming to an end, but I just wanted to get in touch with you to let you know we've got a special coming up for that 'How to win at poker' handbook you've always wanted."
John's forgotten that he'd been looking to buy a book like this and this email reminds him that he needs to improve his game. John adds buying the handbook to his "To Do" list and goes about his daily business.
Another few days later, John receives another email; again, reminding him that the special is about to end alongside another juicy tip that's in the book. John realizes he doesn’t have much time now, and goes off to purchase your "How to win at poker" handbook.
Every email sent to John was automated. You didn't have to wait for him to subscribe, you didn't have to personally address John, nor did you have to send him an email every few days.
The example above shows how a series of auto responder emails can be used as a powerful “hands off” marketing tool for your web site.
Now, take a few minutes and think to yourself, "How can I use auto responders on my web site?"
No, seriously. Stop and think. This simple exercise could easily add another stream of revenue to your web site that you didn't know existed.
But I don't sell anything online!
Auto responders can work for ANY business. You don't need to be selling something online for them to work. For example, let’s pretend you have a hair styling business. You cater towards young men looking for a modern, attractive hair style. Part of your service includes helping them select a hair style that greatly enhances their facial features and gets them the compliments they're after from the ladies.
On your website, you setup a simple form, something like: "Guys, get the hair style that'll get you noticed. Free email report shows you how."
Once John's filled in the form, he gets an email with a summary of tips about the type of hair style suited for men with different features. It also mentions that you're an expert in this field and your salon regularly helps men go from dud to stud in less than an hour.
A few days later, John receives yet another tip -- this time on how washing his hair with a different shampoo can lead to different results. John starts to see how much of an expert you are, but also how much he'd rather just pay someone to take care of all this for him. He hasn't got much time now since he's started killing those poker sites. And so off he goes to call and make an appointment at your salon.
What else should I know?
The content in your auto responders need to be useful. Whilst including marketing hype purely about your product and services can work if there is a strong interest, you'll usually need to provide relevant tips and information to keep your subscriber engaged and ready to pull out their wallet when need be.
You should opt to use autoresponder software that offers personalization, which includes the ability to address John by his first name, as that greatly increases response rates.
Finally, you should TEST your auto responders. Make sure they aren't trapped by spam filters, make sure the subscribers are receiving the auto responders in the order they're meant to be and so forth.
Armed with this new knowledge, you should be able to add an additional stream of revenue that could do some serious boosting to your profits. Some online businesses use this single marketing strategy as the sole way of getting new clients. They do this because it works!
Now, have you decided how you're going to use auto responders for your business?
Automating with Autoresponders---
Automation is an important part to any business. The less time you devote to doing small redundant tasks the more time you will have to devote to primary business activities, such as: product development, advertising, customer service, and list building. Or, you may want to have more time for enjoying other things in life other than working, so the more you automate your business the more time you will have available to spend on whatever you desire.
Putting an online business on autopilot is not very difficult and much of it can be done by simple using autoresponders to do many simple tasks for you. An autoresponder is a software program that you pay usage fees for, or that you buy and put on your own hosting account’s server. It is a program that responds to email inquiries from other people with whatever you program it to send out. And it can also easily be programmed to send out email messages that you enter into it at whatever time you want. Therefore an autoresponder, abbreviated AR, can be used for many purposes to assist in handling business communication activities.
An AR can be used to promote your products or services and to get people to visit your website. Just type or copy and paste your sales or informational message into your AR and have it sent out to whoever you have entered into the AR. Then, when a person receives your message and visits your web site and makes a purchase you can have your AR setup to deliver another message to them. The message would thank them for their purchase and then deliver their product and receipt to them.
You may also program it to give your customers detailed instructions on how to go about obtaining their products and describing other products you have to offer that they may be also be interested in purchasing. In this way you have the ability to promote more products and possibly make more sales. You can also program your AR to send out follow-up messages a day or two after a purchase to ask customers if they are satisfied with their purchase. This assists in building strong customer relations and also gives you another opportunity to promote more products while saving your time.
It will also allow you to make more “back-end” sales by using follow up messages every few days. It is advisable to always include some meaningful and relevant information in your follow up messages so your messages do not appear to just be blatant sales messages, which most people do not generally like or appreciate. The beauty of all this is that you can be off doing something else while much of your business communication activities are being handled automatically by your AR.
Autoresponders are great for training and teaching purposes. Many college professors who teach correspondence courses set up their lessons in an AR and then send them to their students at specified times throughout the semester. And, because the courses being taught often do not vary much from semester to semester, or from year to year, the lessons can be set up one time and used over and over again with only minor adjustments being needed.
ARs are great for providing training lessons to all types of groups. For example, a 12 week training course can be written in advance and then scheduled for deliver when the time is appropriate. The lessons can even be set up to be delivered to different groups at different time intervals. ARs are great for keeping members of an organization informed of upcoming events, deadlines, and special offers or promotions.
Promoting products for sale is one of the most popular uses of autoresponders in online business. But when using an AR to promote your sales just realize that most potential customers do not like the direct “hard sale” approach and it has been documented that on an average a potential customer must hear from you at least 7 times before a sale is made. It is usually best to contact potential customers in the first 2 to 4 messages with valuable information that is interesting for them to read or use in their lives. It is good to give away something of interest and value and to thank them for subscribing to your email newsletter or ezine.
It has been said that the best way to entice sales is to build interest slowly and start with an informative message about something that interests your reader. And, when you do try to make a sale be sure to focus on a problem or solution that your product or service will help resolve for them. Gain their confidence by providing free information that is relevant, accurate, and informative for them.
There are many AR services available and you can certainly find them by doing a search with any of the main search engine services. Many AR services will give you free limited service, but be cautious of these AR services because they will put their advertisements on all of your outgoing messages, or limited the amount of messages and subscribers you can send to. These things certainly will not help your business any. Be very careful when choosing and signing up with an autoresponder service to use in your business.
Some popular ARs frequently used are listed below:
- http://www.aweber.com/
- http://www.a1ebiz.com/
- http://www.getresponse.com
- http://www.emailgogettersystem.com/
And, of course there are many, many more so please do a good and thorough investigation and analysis before deciding which AR to use. If you are a beginner then you may want to try the free service listed on the last line above. It is called, “EGGS” for short. It is very easy to understand and to use. It does have some limitations but it has plenty of functionality for most people and there is no cost
involved unless you would like to donate.
Autoresponder Services Improve Your Profits---
Perhaps you, like me, have web hosting that includes, free of any extra charge, unlimited autoresponders. That being the case, you might be inclined to balk at any suggestion to start paying for them.
Recently, however, I made the switch to paying a monthly fee for unlimited autoresponders. Am I rich (with money to burn)? Have I lost my mind?
Actually, I consider this move to paid autoresponders to be a wise decision. Here are some reasons why you might want to pay for an autoresponder service.
1. Sequential Autoresponders: Although many web hosts offer unlimited autoresponders, each autoresponder is only capable of sending one response. Building business relationships with paid autoresponder services can thus increase your sales.
2. Tracking Capabilities: The autoresponders that come with your web host don't have built-in tracking capabilities. Tracking customer response with paid autoresponder services can lead to more effective advertising campaigns.
3. Deliverability: A very large number of your newsletter subscribers are not getting your newsletter if it is sent using your web host's mailing list program. Improving newsletter delivery with paid autoresponder services will improve your bottom line.
4. Legal Protection: Since the e-mails you send are hosted on the autoresponder service's servers, you are insulated from false accusations of sending spam (unsolicited commercial e-mail). Protect yourself legally with paid autoresponder services.
You could also consider buying an autoresponder program (or script) that will allow you to run unlimited, sequential autoresponders from your websites. However, they can be expensive, require some technical skill, and still have some disadvantages.
For example, since you are hosting your own autoresponders, you might still have issues with deliverability and legal protection.
Paid autoresponder services, with their many advantages over other autoresponder systems, can increase your business profits.
AutoResponders: Excuse Me....Courtesy Please!----
The AutoResponder is fantastic and effective for increasing traffic to your website. It helps you save valuable time with its automated response function: emails concerning frequently-asked questions about a service/product or sending a greetings and welcome letter to new subscribers to your program/service. It helps to track the effectiveness of each and every one of your promotions.
The Autoresponder, in short, is an invaluable tool in your business. As one of the most popular marketing tools available on the Internet today, it is used a lot by different types of businesses and websites. However, this great tool is not always used in a proper manner. Below are some rules and regulations to observe:
1. Avoid Flooding: Do not use an AutoResponder Address when submitting to Search Engines
Search Engines like Google and Yahoo!, directories, classified, and free-for-all sites commonly use AutoResponders. Were you to use your AutoResponder to contact these companies, their AutoResponders will reply to yours, then yours to theirs, and so on and so on. This situation would create a cycle of autoresponses that would flood your respective email boxes!
2. Common Courtesy: Do not use an AutoResponder to subscribe to Ezines or Discussion Forums
As Ezines send updates and new information regularly to subscribers, your Autoresponder would respond with a message each and every time. In a Discussion Forum, each person in that Forum will receive our auto response. This can cause a lot of irritation all round, and most of the time you will be unsubscribed. It is often very difficult for the Forum/Ezine administrators to determine who is using the autoresponse.
3. Do not use an Autoresponder to Take Advantage Of Unsuspecting Individuals
Some unethical companies make use of AutoResponders to respond to automated messages; when this happens, the email address in the 'from' field is automatically subscribed to their mailing list. The unsuspecting individuals start getting unasked-for mail and many are fed-up of this as this happens very regularly. Companies that do this, rather than promoting their business properly, create for themselves a very negative image. Remember, bad publicity spreads faster than good.
The Internet is a fantastic arena in which to do business, local, national and international and AutoResponders are simply a great way to save valuable time doing repetitive tasks. However, when used in an unprofessional way, and without regard for your chosen victim-recipients, it will only cause much aggravation and frustration in un-requested-for barrages of emails. You and your company will only stand to lose goodwill and business. Appropriate use can lead to massive amounts of business. Misuse it, and you get...the opposite.
AutoResponders Explained----
If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn about autoresponders.
The bad news is that people expect prompt replies to their email inquiries. However, unless you can figure out how to work continual twenty-four hour shifts, or hire enough people to constantly monitor incoming emails (while they're eating up your revenue), you have a problem. The good news is an autoresponder is an inexpensive - or even free -method of quickly responding to emails. What these programs do is automatically respond to incoming emails as soon as they are received.
Emails are essential to your business for many different reasons. Most importantly, these invisible email voices give you their feedback about your website - for free!
However, if you spend all your working hours answering these emails, how are you supposed to run your business? The answer is simple: use autoresponders. Autoresponders are programs that automatically respond to your emails without you so much as having to click on your mouse.
There are a number of good reasons why you need an autoresponder besides just answering your email. For example, autoresponders can be used if you need a way to
send information about your services or products, price lists, or if there are repeated questions asked across large numbers of emails. Maybe you want to offer your site
visitors a special bonus of some kind, such as advice or relevant articles. All of this can be handled by an autoresponder. Additionally, you can advertise your business and then build stable relationships with your customers by using autoresponders.
Autoresponder programs vary from software that runs with your email program to a specialized script that runs on your web hosting company's server. This kind of script may use a web page form or simply operate with your email account. This kind of script is programmed to send out a standardized message whenever an email is received. The message is sent to a particular script or email address.
Some autoresponders can do more than simply send out standardized messages. They can send out an unlimited number of follow-up messages sent at predetermined interval of time. For example, you can set your autoresponder to send out a new message every day for as long a period as you desire.
There are numerous companies who offer autoresponders free of charge. Your website hosting company often provides autoresponders as a free service. If this is not the case with your web hosting company, there are numerous companies who offer this service for a small fee, or free of charge, providing you attach an advertisement for their company to your emails.
To personalize your autoresponder messages, you can attach a signature. Signatures in this case are much like business cards. You can include your name, company, all your contact numbers and addresses, and a brief message.
It's a good idea to attach a signature to every email that is sent out. This works as a repeated reminder of your business identity every time a customer sees it. The more
they look at your signature, the more likely your company will spring to mind when your particular service or product is needed.
You can create a standardized signature that every employee in your business uses, or you can go wild, and let every staff member create their own personal signature. Of
course, like everything in life, there are some rules and guidelines to creating a personal signature.
Keep the length of your signature between four to six lines of text, with no more than 70 characters in a single line. Make sure that your email program does not cut off your text! The content should include your name, your company name, your email address, fax number, and any other contact details, such as 800 numbers. Lastly, always include a short personal message about your company. It should be a
subtle sell of your services or your products, and possibly your company's reliability and longevity.
Another specialized use of autoresponders is to create courses that you can then offer your site visitors for free. You must choose a topic in which you are an expert and that precisely targets your potential customers.
Once you have carefully chosen your subject, divide it into a number of different sub-topics. Then offer your site visitor a free 10 or 15 day course, each day offering a
different sub-topic. The first topic should always be a welcome message to your site visitor and an explanation about what is to follow. Your explanation should be
enticing, getting the point across that you are offering free, quality information that your target audience will find of great value.
With every lesson, include the number of the lesson, the topic title, information about your company and its services or products. At the end, include a few blurbs about the next lesson to entice the subscriber to continue on.
Make sure each topic is packed with essential and valuable information, and leaves the visitor lusting to know more. Otherwise, you may lose them in the very beginning.
Of course, you have to write up your course before you can offer it. Once you have done this, and gone over the material carefully, employing a professional writer or
editor if necessary, you must transfer your text to your autoresponder.
There are a number of free autoresponders you can use.
Try http:/www.getresponse.com, or http://www.fastfacts.net.
Or go onto Google and you will find a long list of free autoresponder companies. Then sign-up for your chosen autoresponder. Once you do, you will receive instructions as to how to set it up and transfer your text.
Email is an excellent marketing tool; it is inexpensive and it is fast. Use it to advertise your business by choosing your email address carefully. Your website should contain
different email addresses for different contact requests. For example, use info@yourdomain.com for information requests, or sales@yourdomain.com for questions about sales. It's a good idea to set up one for the owner, such as president@yourdomain.com. This presents your company in a personal, approachable light and insures that direct contact is provided.
Autoresponders are an effective and powerful marketing tool, allowing you to make contact with thousands of potential customers. This is an invaluable asset considering how many potential customers you usually have contact with before you make an actual sale. Essentially, an autoresponser allows you to automate part of your
marketing campaign.
Autoresponding The Easy Way----
Anyone with a Website who wants to communicate with their potential and existing customers to increase sales conversions, Knows that most of his workload can be taken care of by an Autoresponder. An Autoresponder should not be under estimated as they are a vital tool for selling online, they automate the follow-up sales process, sending information at pre set intervals and can be programmed up to 10 years ahead with the Autoresponder set to do its job you really can make money while you sleep.
People don’t normally buy on their first visit to a web site, they like to window shop searching for the right product at the right price. Having an Autoresponder is like a having a very cheap salesman working 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.
A website offering a free e book or download will require the potential customer to leave his or her email address for delivery. It is then the Autoresponder comes alive. Pre set with instructions An Autoresponder will send at a preset time a number of messages informing the customer of the product they looked at on your site, just like a salesperson it will let them know all about the product, what it does, why its better than your competitors, what it will do for them, and keep them up to date with the latest news and offers by text voice or video.
Professionally done follow ups will be etching the name and product into the customer’s brain, gaining their trust to buy from the site again and again.
Having a website these days is just not enough, there are millions of websites and hundreds of sites offering the same sort of products. An edge is required over competitors to entice shoppers to a site and buy. The Autuoresponder alone will not give the website the edge but I doubt the edge will be obtained without an Autoresponder.
Build Interest With Autoresponder Messages----
If you are using your autoresponder to sell a product or service, you must be very careful as to how you approach your potential customer. Few people like a hard sale, and marketers have known for years that in most cases, a prospect must hear your message an average of seven times before they will make a purchase. How do you accomplish this with autoresponders?
It’s really quite simple, and in fact, the autoresponders make getting the message to your potential customers those seven times possible. On the Internet, without the use of autoresponders, you probably could not achieve that. Too often, marketers make the mistake of literally slamming the potential customer with a hard sales pitch with the first autoresponder message – this won’t work.
You build interest slowly. Start with an informative message – a message that educates the reader in some way on the topic that your product or service is related to. At the bottom of the message, include a link to the sales page for your product. Use that first message to focus on the problem that your product or service can solve, with just a hint of the solution.
Build up from there, moving into how your product or service can solve a problem, and then with the next message, ease into the benefits of your product – giving the reader more actual information with each and every message. Your final message should be the sale pitch – not your first one! With each message, make sure that you are giving the customer information pertaining to the topic – free information! This is what will keep them interested in what you have to say.
This type of marketing is an art. It may take time to get it exactly right. Use the examples that other marketers have set for you. Pay attention to the messages that you receive from other marketers. Start a ‘swap’ file, and keep those messages. Use some of the better sales copy for your own autoresponder messages – just make sure that yours doesn’t turn out to be an exact copy of someone else’s sales message!
Remember not to start with a hard sale. Build your potential customers interest. Keep building on what the problem is, and how your product or service can solve that problem or fill that need. If you are doing this right, by the time the potential customer reads the last message in that series, they will be convinced enough to make a purchase!
Building A Client Network Through E-Mail---
E-mail marketing is an easy, effective, and affordable way for today's businesses to reach their customers and grow their own businesses.
For example, a newsletter allows you to develop interest in your company while demonstrating your expertise and depth-your biggest assets as a small business. Sending an e-mail newsletter keeps your company in the mind of your growing network. Plus, good e-mail newsletters are frequently forwarded to friends of the recipient, thereby growing your network even further.
So, how do you get started?
First, figure out what interests your audience. Listen to them. What do your customers ask you about when you discuss your business? Chances are, for every customer who asks a question, there are ten others with the same question.
Observe what your customers actually read. The fabulous thing about e-mail marketing is that everything is trackable. Once you get started, your reporting results will tell you which articles interest your readers.
You can also give your readers an easy way to provide feedback, so you learn even more about what interests them and what they would like to hear about.
Give away a little bit of free advice to help your readers. Give people something to think about. You don't need to be the world's expert on a topic. Just be your customer's expert. Give them something that could be helpful to them.
Every newsletter should have short features or quick info-nuggets. You could even give them a way to see other articles that you found interesting online. Keep a file of article ideas and getting started will be easier.
Organize your contact database and get permission to add contacts to your mailing list. Then begin collecting new contacts with permission. No one likes to be added to a mailing list without his or her knowledge, so tell people you plan to add them to your e-mail newsletter list and let them know they can unsubscribe at any time.
Next, find a marketing service that's a good fit for your business. A good e-mail marketing service will provide list management services (opt in, unsubscribe, dedupe, etc.), newsletter templates (HTML formatting, table of contents and more) and mailing, delivery and reporting functions.
Using the right service is inexpensive, easy to use, and will ensure that you look highly professional when you send out your newsletter.
An e-mail newsletter is an investment that pays off and it doesn't have to be a full-time job.
A monthly newsletter is desirable but a quarterly one can be a great way to get started. Once you're in a rhythm, your e-newsletters will practically write themselves.
Building a Power List of Subscribers to Earn Money Online Over and Over Again----
Building a power list of loyal subscribers that are willing to gobble up anything you throw at them is the key to maintaining and expanding an online business. This list will be the main focus of any online business to earn money online successfully. Every online business provides either a great product or service focused on solving a problem for the customer and generating satisfaction. This satisfaction that customers get from the product or service can make them become loyal repeat customers and let you earn money online over and over again. They may even be so satisfied with your product as to recommend you and your site to other people.
The first step of building a power list is to capitalize on your current traffic and entice them to subscribe to your mailing or opt-in list. This list of subscribers has agreed to receive promotional materials such as newsletters and catalogs to keep them informed of the latest updates to your business or niche. Such promotional materials are sent through emails to the subscribers at various time intervals or as an occasional broadcast message.
Email marketing is the perfect media of advertising for online businesses. With email marketing, there is no need for any high costs as sending an email is absolutely free. Building a power list of subscribers will make sure that whatever you send them is received and read and not easily deleted. Email marketing will allow you to earn money online successfully as you build a base of loyal subscribers.
Your emails should ideally consist of information about all your products, new products or services as well as any promotions and special deals that you are currently having. Tell them that these promotions are your way of saying how special your subscribers are to you and is your way of thanking them. Making them feel special will ultimately make you huge profits in the future. There may be a chance that they will even forward your promotions to other potential customers as they recommend you and your site to their families and friends letting you earn money online with ease.
Occasionally, subscribers will unsubscribe if they feel they are not getting what they want or expect. It is not possible for you to please everyone but it is possible for you to improve your email marketing strategies and keep your subscribers loyal and excited. The following are some tips to build your own power list of responsive subscribers that will let you earn money online many times over.
Do some due diligence and research on what your customers are looking for. You can do this simply by asking them what kind of information or service they desire in a broadcast email. This will also show that you truly care about your customers and help build a long-term relationship and undying loyalty. You can even go one step further and look for fresh and exciting things that you believe they will be interested in. Having new and fresh things to excite your customers will definitely keep them ogling for your next email.
Provide good and valuable information with great articles will also keep your subscribers happy. They are interested in this niche and will definitely value good information. If your subscribers enjoy your articles, they will go to your site by clicking the links you put in your newsletters to read some more. Make your articles diverse and interesting, such as writing humorous articles, to ensure that they are well received. With both information and humor in your articles, you can be sure your subscribers are going to stay happy and loyal.
If you are afraid that you will not be able to provide great articles because you don’t writing, this is not a problem. There many professional and experienced article writers that can do the job for you for minimal fees. They know what they are doing and can provide the need that you have for your newsletters. The money that you pay for your articles are going to be met with good reviews, which can result in potential sales and profit for you. But of course, this is your own online business and nobody knows more about it better than you do. Ideally, you are the best person to write the articles that will allow you to earn money online successfully.
One great way to “one up” article writing is to create and send an ebook to your subscribers about your niche or business. Use your knowledge and expertise in the field you have chosen to help other people who are similarly interested and in turn they will help you to earn money online. You can write about anything informational and helpful to your subscribers. If you don’t like writing, hire a professional to create one for you for a small fee. Offer this ebook for free on your site to entice more subscribers and also to your present subscribers. Share this ebook with everyone and even other sites. This ebook will improve your credibility and can potentially be passed around to more people than your current reach of customers. Your ebook with your website link in it is a very powerful tool to earn money online the fast and easy way.
One final tip is to add e-coupons in your newsletters that will give your subscribers special discounts. Make it such that the e-coupons can only be used once. Your subscribers will be exhilarated to find special discounts in your newsletters. This will in turn make them eager to receive your newsletters in anticipation of what you are promoting next.
Building a power list of subscribers and keeping them loyal, happy and responsive is by far the most profitable way to earn money online successfully. Your subscribers will benefit from your expertise and you will be able to profit from them as well. This is an incredible “win-win” situation that will develop into a mutually beneficial long term relationship that can only mean more business for you and aid you to earn money online over and over again.
Building Email Marketing Highly Targeted Opt in List----
The following paragraphs summarize the work of Opt in List experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of Opt in List. Heed their advice to avoid any Opt in List surprises.
Are you successful with your Internet business? Better yet, do you think you are successful with your online business? When most online entrepreneurs are asked with these questions, they often brush it off. This is because most of them, who have not yet realize the right way to succeed in Internet Marketing, continue to believe that the mere fact that they have a website is already enough to succeed on the Internet.
The truth is, they all end up very upset because they fail to realize the secret behind the success in Internet Marketing.
Having a website is not a guarantee that your online business will succeed. How will you succeed if people will not realize that your business exist online? The key to Internet marketing is to get your business noticed.
An effective way to do this is to build an opt-in list. In fact, most of the people who are already experts in Internet marketing will tell you that building a highly targeted opt in list is the most effective and important tool in Internet marketing.
Basically, an opt in list is a list of email addresses of people who have agreed to obtain any kind of information from online businesses like you. The term “opt in” means that you have their permission to send to them whatever newsletters, brochures, or promotions that you have in your online business.
It is extremely important that you have their permission first before you send them information because unsolicited emails will be regarded as spam, and spamming is an illegal activity in the Net.
Because of the feasibility of building an opt in list on Internet marketing, most of the online entrepreneurs consider it as the most treasured tool online. They need this list in order to get the consumer’s attention and sustain interest.
By creating an opt in list, you will be able to maintain solid contact with your previous buyers at the same time boost your sales because of the fact that you have a sure target market always ready to purchase items from you.
Opt in list is considered to be the most important item in an Internet marketer. In fact, if in case something bad happens like emergencies and catastrophes and they could only save one item, it would be their opt in list saved on a backup disk.
Just imagine how these people value their opt in list. If this is the case, then it must be really something, right?
So, for people who are not yet aware of the importance of building a highly targeted opt in list and would like to know how to build them, here are some tips that could be very useful.
1. Decide on your niche market or your target market.
Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.
It is extremely important to know your target market in order to focus on something. It would be really confusing and time consuming if you will build an opt in list with no particular market in mind.
Moreover, having a niche market would bring more focus on your marketing campaigns and would derive better results because you have direct you emails to people who would most likely be interested in them.
2. Be sure that your selected target market is available in the Internet.
The mere acquisition of a niche market is not a guarantee that you can already start building your opt in list. Since, the concept of opt in list is specifically generated to aid in the growth of the Internet market of a particular entrepreneur, it is important to have a niche market that is available through the Internet.
The concept is basically simple, how can you promote your online business if your niche market is not available in the Internet? Hence, it is extremely important to verify if your target market is available online.
3. Verify if your chosen target market is income-generating market.
Building a highly targeted opt in list will just go to waste if your niche market is not generating any income at all.
Try to verify their income-generating potential through the search engines, wherein you will find some paid ads related to the keywords you have searched. This would only mean that if somebody is willing to pay to advertise focusing on the same target market that you have in mind, chances are, you will be able to reap positive results on your target market.
4. Generate solutions to the problems of your target market by using Internet forum.
Creating this type of forum will initiate the underlying solutions that will answer to most of your target market’s problem.
Through their posts and threads, you will be able to identify your target market’s problem and will be able to come up with a great solution. In turn, it will be very handy when you make your opt in list.
Indeed, the success of an online business or Internet marketing greatly depends on the opt in list. It is where the online businesses could come up with newsletters that would allow them to promote their products at the same time create the need for it. In turn, it will generate more income and make more money.
As they say, money is in the list that’s why most businesses consider opt in list as valuable as gold.
Those who only know one or two facts about Opt in List can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you're learning here.
Bulk Email Lists---
The Internet has made it possible to connect millions of peoples’ names and addresses from around the world. And the number increases as more and more people discover the convenience and the growing necessity of the Internet in today’s fast-paced environment, where business growth largely depends on information technology. This has created many opportunities to encourage below the line marketing strategies.
Enterprising marketers have found the Internet a fertile ground to launch their products and services. They employ what is known as bulk email marketing or sending advertisements and infomercials to email users. In the 1990’s, this method went unchecked and unmonitored. This resulted in the birth of the term spam mail- unsolicited email. And the problem goes on today although measures are being taken to stop spammers.
To ensure the success of bulk email marketing strategies, the sender must have a clean list of targeted email addresses. This wills not only help the company assess the success of their campaigns; it will more importantly curb the risk of breaking the anti-spamming laws. Several US states and countries around the world have already enacted these laws to protect the public against unwanted mail.
Through the use of available software, generating a useful addressee list is fast and easy. Targeted email addresses can be extracted from URL’s and email service providers. Another option is to purchase a ready made list. This list usually comes from email service providers and agencies that conduct surveys.
Although sending out magazines and newsletters to millions of addresses through bulk emailing is free, companies cannot afford to risk the equity of their brands by offending people. Your email address lists should only contain those that signify they want to receive email from you. Otherwise, your unsolicited advertising will be classified as spam mail.
Bulk Email Marketing Software - Made it easy !----
Well, as a start i want to tell you all about this new awsome email marketing software...
It's called: IEmailer - Bulk Email Marketing Software
currently in version 1.1 so you can all fiqure out that it's new software... That's right !
IEmailer.com launched this email marketing software on last april this year 2007 and once launched it become popular online and got an amazing reputation because of it's features as it will allows you to build your email list on the fly and send email to each valid email address from almost any email server automatically with a few clicks of your mouse.
So now you can launch your own website online even if it's a product's or offering a service's using IEmailer.com - Bulk email marketing software easly and really simple so a kid could be getting mass visitors and could be making money online just like that !
As it's also offering an affiliate program so you can also get a peace of the cake by joining them then start marketing their software and while it's an email marketing software you can use the software it self to start your campaign.
Is it gonna be more simple than owning IEmailer.com to start you email marketing campaign using this software ?
I quess......... NO
Can You Really Use Articles To Build Your List?-----
Getting customers to your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the excellence of the product and the services you provide. They should go hand in hand in providing your customers the satisfaction they get in exchange for the money they have paid for them. Customer service should as well be as fantastic so that the customers are provided with the same satisfaction.
One of the ways you can combine marketing and customer service is through opt-in marketing. With an opt-in list you get the opportunity to introduce your site and products on a good time basis. Opt-in marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that is virtually low cost and not time consuming. Here, you get the consent of your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletters and other promotional materials such as catalogs and free promotions.
Opt-in marketing uses your list of subscribers to send e-mail to. These e-mails will contain the materials you will send to your subscribers. It is essential that you present your promotional items in a manner that will catch the interest and the eye of your subscribers to keep them wanting for more. The best way to do this is to provide fun, entertaining and informational articles.
Well written articles full of content and useful information will help in building your list as more subscribers will be enticed your list. When they have read the samples of your contents in your sites, they will be intrigued as to what will come next. Subscribing to your newsletter will offer them a glimpse of what you have to offer next.
Many sites and companies have captured the importance of articles and this also aids in search engine optimization. As more people are heading towards the internet for their information needs, serving the right information to them via articles in your site will increase the flow of your website traffic. With more traffic, the percentage of your sales will grow. More sales turn into more profit.
There have been the rise for the importance of well written, information enriched and keyword packed articles for the content of their site as well as for newsletters. These articles provide the information many are seeking in the internet. If your site has them, more people will be going to your site for information and research.
Well written articles would also boost your sites reputation. If they are filled with many information you will be regarded as well informed and an expert on the subjects that you tackle. Your articles must be well researched so that the people will trust you. When you have gained their trust, they will always come for you for their needs on that subject.
In connection, you must write articles or commission them to tackle subjects that are closely connected with your type of business. If you have a site for a medicine tackling a certain disease, your articles must be about the diseases. Or if you sell materials for home improvements provide articles with those themes. Most articles searched for are tips, guidelines, methods, manuals and such. If you provide these articles to your customers and you have their trust, they will always go to your site for help and advice as well as for your products.
With the loyalty of these customers, they may subscribe to your opt-in list to receive all the information you have. If you provide them with the answers for that need, they will be happy to be receiving your newsletters as well as other promotional materials to keep them well informed. Others may even forward your newsletters to other people when they find a certain article interesting.
You should provide links in your newsletter so that when other people are reading it and wants to read more, they may click on the link and go to your site. With the articles you have in your site that are good, they may decide to sign up as well for your opt-in list. This will build your list and make it bigger.
Make sure to keep your subscribers happy and interested in your newsletters and promotional materials. Keep on posting and writing good articles for your site and newsletter. If you are not interested in writing them or if you just don’t have the time, there are many available well experienced and knowledgeable writers available to help you out. This is an investment that will pay for itself in time.
Challenges to Email Subject Line Use----
Creativity, style, formatting and length of subject lines are all important points to take into consideration before you send an email.
Be Creative
Using a subject line that’s specific is most appropriate when corresponding with people who know you or with people who are expecting your message. How do you get the attention of someone who doesn’t know you or who isn’t expecting anything from you?
The answer is – be creative. Writing a subject line that’s creative is an excellent method for improving chances that your email message will be opened.
In this instance, the subject line isn’t used to describe the contents of the message. Instead, the subject line is used to convey some other type of information.
What kind of information? It will vary with each message you send, and it depends on the recipient. The key question is – what can you tell the recipient that will convince him/her to open this message and read it, instead of deleting it? In some cases, you’ll need to be quite creative.
There are numerous types of information you can provide in the subject line to help convince the receiver to open the email message. Here are a few examples.
(Uses for the subject line): Identify who you are
(Sample wording): Lawyer
(Uses for the subject line): Tell how you met this person
(Sample wording): Chamber Networking B’fast
(Uses for the subject line): Tell why you are contacting this person
(Sample wording): Animal shelter fundraiser
(Uses for the subject line): Find things that set you apart
(Sample wording): E-commerce lawyer
(Uses for the subject line): Find common bond with recipient
(Sample wording): Fellow IU grad & lawyer
Subject Lines: Formatting and Style
There is another challenge you must overcome when crafting an effective subject line. This involves the length of the subject line.
The new message box you view on your screen for the subject line will allow you to type as many words as you want. But, the receiver’s screen has limited space. Only a small portion of the wording will be viewed by the recipient.
How much appears on the recipient’s screen for the subject line? It varies, depending on the person’s system and how he/she has the screen setup. A safe guess is that approximately 25 to 35 characters will appear.
Pay careful attention here. This approximation doesn’t mean 25 to 35 words. It means “characters.”
A character is defined as a letter, space, or punctuation. For example, any time your cursor moves one space, that’s considered one character.
Since the space is so limited in the subject line, you don’t need to type a complete sentence. Use a phrase or series of words instead of a full sentence.
This is one time when an incomplete sentence is appropriate. Leave out the little words, and get to the point.
The only “rule” regarding capitalization in the subject line is to be consistent. For example, you may choose to capitalize only the first word. Or, you may decide to capitalize every word.
Remember not to use all uppercase (CAPITAL) letters. This is considered shouting. Shouting at a person would certainly not be the best way to convince him/her to open your message.
Always remember that the creativity, style, formatting and length of your subject lines are important factors to consider before you send an email. Be conscientious of the image you project to your customers and colleagues by using effective subject lines.
Choosing An Autoresponder Email Service----
In the internet marketing industry, keeping in close contact with your customers and potential customers is imperative to your success. You need a method of instantly responding to customer inquiries and a way to follow up with those who have expressed an interest in your business. An autoresponder will allow you to instantly respond to emails and your responses are completely automated. You can create the messages you wish to send and your autoresponder will take care of the rest. You will have a round the clock customer service department that send replies in an instant.
You can increase your repeat business and your new business alike through the use of an autoresponder. Your customers will love the frequent contact and you will increase your web site traffic and sales considerably. Many online businesses fail due to a lack of speedy follow-up contacts with potential customers and the inability to keep the company name visible to interested parties. Internet marketing is a highly competitive industry and you must keep your business and products fresh in the minds of those who visit your site. An autoresponder will help you build your mailing list without the necessity of questionable practices such as spam.
Try an autoresponder for your initial email responses. You will save time and money and your customers will enjoy the fast response. You can create many autoresponder messages and send them out as frequently as you wish. A fully automated autoresponder is the best way to maintain your customer contact and increase your visibility. You can get an autoresponder for no cost that contains many helpful features that can add to your ability to keep in touch with your clientele.
Consumer Mailings----
One of the best ways to remind your customer about you and what you do for them is to keep them on a consumer mailing list. This is one of the best ways to maintain return customers.
Always ask a customer right before they check out if they want to be added to the consumer mailing list. On internet websites it is best just to have a box that the customer can check if they choose to be on the list. The less information that they have to fill out the better, too much blanks to fill out will cause them to decide not go through with the consumer mailing list.
Don’t inundate the consumer with mailings once they are on that list. It gets annoying for the customer and costly for you, the business owner. Keeping mailings down to monthly occurrences will keep you fresh in their minds and the most likely source that they will turn to when they need to buy more of a product that you have. Also consider the fact that they may hold on to your newsletter or advertisement for future reference. This is a great opportunity for you to offer incentives to the consumer that you are targeting in these consumer mailings.
When sending out mailing lists make sure that it is efficient for you. Use programs that are designed to make sending out consumer mailing lists as efficient as possible. If you choose not to use a program have the names of your consumers organized so that who ever in your company is in charge of the mailing is sending out the correspondence it doesn’t take them a lot of time.
Consumer mailing lists should be practical and efficient for both you and your customer. Keeping them to an appropriate limit and making sure that they are relevant to matters concerning your company will keep your customers focused on what you want them to know. If you keep your newsletter too long then it will be boring for them to keep reading it when they have other matters that they need to tend to.
Taking steps to increase the efficiency of your consumer mailing list will aid your company’s growth potential and bring more business your way by keeping you in the forefront of your costumer’s mind. Consumer mailings are one of the most primary tools that your company can use in its business ventures. Whether the consumer mailings are via regular mail or via email your company will nonetheless benefit greatly from it.
Copywriting in Your Email Campaign----
Want to double or triple the number of new leads and customers you generate each month with your emails? Try focusing your Email campaign with copywriting techniques.
Copywriting in Emails is the art of using attractively written content focusing around a service or product to sell. A tool used to tempt the reader by making the items for sale seem attractive, desirable and at the same time beneficial. Copywriting is often described as a play on words where the best and the most persuasive campaigns win.
Whenever you email someone, you’re basically trying to sell a point. So what better way to communicate than with the language of copywriting in your Emails.
The secret is to balance the right blend of benefits and features in your Email marketing copy. Here are some tips to try in your next email marketing campaign.
1. Pack a powerful headline punch. Check top magazine article headlines of the day to see what’s working best. Tailor yours accordingly.
2. Draw readers in with a great lead opening. Look to top articles in the news for ideas. And reach out and grab your readers in a similar fashion.
3. Keep the main message focused on no more than 3 main benefits your product or service offers the reader. Present credible info, not hype. And include testimonial when possible to back up claims.
4. State your proposition in a personal way, since the focus is all about the customer...i.e. write in the “You” form, not “he or she.” And talk about them or things that they can relate to.
5. Focus on customer benefits. People like to save money, join in and be a part, learn more, earn more.
6. Offer multiple selling points in bullet form. Write them from customer’s point of view & reflect their needs.
7. Thoroughly describe the product. Give the customer all the information they need on the product or service in order to make a well educated decision.
8. Create a call to action. Tell the customer what to do exactly, step-by-step.
9. State your unique selling position to differentiate yourself from competition. For example, tell why your product is better than the competition’s.
Go for the gusto in selling your email messages with sound copywriting techniques. Sell your audience on reading more, navigating on your site and communicating in some way to show they got your message.
Create Your Three Letter Autoresponder Follow-Up----
A woman told me this week, "Your advertising is wasted if you don’t follow-up on your leads." Her solution is to use a multiple autoresponder that sends her prospects a new sales message very few days.
People need to see your ad message several times before they buy. Those who buy on the first ad have already made up their mind after seeing someone else’s ad. Yours had the good fortune of reaching the customer at just the right time.
You can greatly increase sales with a three letter multiple autoresponder. There are a number of places to get these autoresponders free (fastfacts.net, getresponse.com, smartbotpro.net) and others who sell up-graded service at low cost.
Make your first letter briefly present your offer. It should be designed to get attention and bring in those who tend to quickly make up their minds to buy.
Your second sales letter should arrive the next day. Make it longer and filled with details. About 70 percent of consumers are folks who need ALL the details before they will purchase. List your features and connect them with the benefit your customer will get from those features.
Your third sales letter should be scheduled to arrive several days later. Start with "Successful people are busy. I know you probably saw my earlier messages, considered them, but haven’t yet had time to respond."
Then give them another rundown on your offer. Bring in a fresh angle so it doesn’t seem like they are reading the same letter they saw a few days ago.
More than three sales letters tend to get ignored. If you want to send more, have your fourth and fifth letters arrive weeks or months later. Scheduling a new letter to arrive every month can catch a prospect when they’re ready to buy.
Offer Your Own Email Course
One of the most successful marketing techniques I’ve found is offering your own course via autoresponders. I introduced my Make Your Website Sell course (yes, before MYSS came out) and it is still getting gobs of sign-ups every day.
Here is how to create yours:
1. Pick a problem that lots of your customers struggle with. In my business the big stumpers are getting a site that sells, finding a way to handle email, figuring out search engines, and finding low-cost ways to advertise effectively.
A course on any of these is guaranteed to bring lots of interested prospects and customers (and you can bet I’m plugging my ads here and there during the course).
Your course could be on how to complete a basement, how to avoid an IRS audit, how to give your kids straight teeth, or anything else that customers often ask about.
2. If you don’t write or have time to pen your own articles, look for others who have written on the topic. It is perfectly legal to put their ideas in your own words (always proper to give them credit).
You can also quote the article. It is best to ask in advance, if your course is for commercial purposes. Start your article, then say expert Jane Doe has some valuable information. Include a few paragraphs of what Jane wrote. Be careful not to use so much you give away her entire article and spoil her ability to sell the information.
Creative and Profitable Ways in which to Use AutoReponders---
Auto responders are remarkable, versatile programs that do so much more than just automatically answer your email. Here are a few ideas that will help you to creatively and productively use your auto responder to transform the casual visitor into a profitable customer.
Use your auto responder to:
1. Publish a newsletter. Certain quality auto responders will manage subscriptions and follow-up with interested prospects. Your newsletter can keep your visitors informed
about your services or products, while building your reputation as a credible expert in your particular business.
2. Publish a newsletter only for your affiliates. Inform them of current sales you are running and of promotional material that your affiliates can use themselves to
increase their commissions. Include tips, advice, and techniques that your affiliates can use to successfully go out and promote your business.
3. Write reviews. Cover books, software, music, e-books, movies, etc., and put each review in an auto responder. Review your affiliate programs, using a link to your
affiliate's page in your auto responder.
4. Distribute your articles. Writing and distributing targeted articles is a powerful tool to build your business credibility, bring traffic to your site, and increase your
sales potential. If your articles contain valuable information, many editors will print what is known as a resource box for you. A resource box contains your bio and
a brief description of your service or product. It can also contain your auto responder address. Let's say you've written fifty articles. Put them on separate auto responder
accounts and create a master list that contains the titles of each article, the auto responder address, and a brief abstract. Then promote your master list. Additionally, include your publishing guidelines so your affiliates can add their articles to your list, increasing the number of writers who are represented in your article list.
5. Create mailing lists. Inform subscribers to your articles when you've written new ones that they may want to publish in their own newsletter or website.
6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to insure repeated exposure of your message, which has been proven to effectively increase sales. In your ad, put your
Auto responder address where a visitor will be exposed to numerous marketing materials. This multiplies the chances of converting visitors into customers. For example, if you're selling a particular product, put testimonials about how spectacular it is on your auto responder, and add a detailed, enticing description of your product.
7. Distribute advertising. Let's say you sell advertising on your website or in your newsletter or e-zine. Set your auto responder to send the information about rates and how to place an ad automatically to all prospects' email addresses. Then have your auto responder follow-up. It can also send notification of any special deals you are
currently offering.
8. Distribute an email course. Each day, have your auto responder send out another lesson. Just be sure that each lesson has quality content - not a sales pitch. Your
content will do the selling for you, and will do it much more effectively. You can include tips centred on a different topic for each lesson, illustrating how your
product will benefit the reader. Include the tangible benefits the visitor will reap by purchasing your product. Make sure to include a paragraph or two at the end of each
lesson enticing your prospect to consider making a purchase.
9. Automate a reminder about your service or product after a visitor has completed your course. This will increase the possibility of sales from visitors who have taken your course but are dragging their feet about actually making a purchase. You can also use these reminders to promote new products or services, and the products and services of your affiliate programs.
10. Distribute free reports. This gives your visitor an idea of the type of information you can provide and the quality of your product or service. Make sure these reports
are not sales letters or you will more than likely lose a potential customer than gain a sale.
11. Create trivia quizzes on your site and place the answers in an auto responder. Your visitor will then be motivated to request your auto responder, and you will have a record of the visitors' email addresses who took your quiz. Or create a contest and have any visitors that enter send their responses to your auto responder. Your
Auto responder can be set-up to send them a confirmation of their entry.
12. Offer a trial version of your product. Give your prospects a sample of your ebook, course, software, membership, etc. People who are exposed to a little taste often end up wanting the whole pie. You can also capture their email addresses when you offer them a free trial from your website. Set up your auto responder to give instructions on how to obtain their free trial, and then make sure to follow-up to try and close the sale.
13. Link to hidden pages on your auto responder. For example, a hidden page could be your affiliate page that contains graphics, promotional articles, and text links that interested affiliates can make use of. Inform visitors that they may have free access to your affiliate page by simply requesting your auto responder. You will then gather
a list of visitors who may be interested in becoming your affiliates.
14. Use an auto responder on your order page. Post a request form for visitors to be notified of special offers or discounts in the future. This creates a very effective
mailing list that contains the names of people who are already your customers.
15. Put your links page on your auto responder. It should contain up to fifty links that would be of particular interest to your visitors. Make sure to add your own promotional copy at the top or bottom of this page.
Now that you have proof that autoresponders can be used creatively, see if you can come up with some brilliant ideas of your own!
Creative and Profitable Ways to Use Autoresponders-----
An interested visitor who has been strolling through yoursite has finally come to just what she is looking for and is about to make a purchase. It's a sunny afternoon, and her cat, who happens to be sitting on the moss under the visitor's large fifty-year-old snow-rose bonsai tree, suddenly jumps down, and the priceless tree topples over.
In the blink of an eye, your visitor exits your site, and your sale is dust unless you have had the foresight to utilize an autoresponder that has captured her email address. If you have installed an autoresponder, you can then follow-up with her, and in all probability, make the sale when the poor woman has finished repotting her precious bonsai.
Autoresponders are remarkable, versatile programs that do so much more than just automatically answer your email. Here are a few ideas that will help you to creatively and productively use your autoresponder to transform the casual visitor into a profitable customer. Use your autoresponder
1. Publish a newsletter. Certain quality autoresponders will manage subscriptions and follow-up with interested prospects. Your newsletter can keep your visitors informed about your services or products, while building your reputation as a credible expert in your particular
2. Publish a newsletter only for your affiliates. Inform them of current sales you are running and of promotional material that your affiliates can use themselves to increase their commissions. Include tips, advice, and techniques that your affiliates can use to successfully go out and promote your business.
3. Write reviews. Cover books, software, music, e-books, movies, etc., and put each review in an autoresponder. Review your affiliate programs, using a link to your affiliate's page in your autoresponder.
4. Distribute your articles. Writing and distributing targeted articles is a powerful tool to build your business credibility, bring traffic to your site, and increase your sales potential. If your articles contain valuable information, many editors will print what is known as a resource box for you. A resource box contains your bio and a brief description of your service or product. It can alsocontain your autoresponder address. Let's say you've written fifty articles. Put them on separate autoresponder accounts and create a master list that contains the titles of each article, the autoresponder address, and a brief abstract. Then promote your master list. Additionally, include your publishing guidelines so your affiliates can add their articles to your list, increasing the number of writers who are represented in your article list.
5. Create mailing lists. Inform subscribers to your articles when you've written new ones that they may want to publish in their own newsletter or website.
6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to ensure repeated exposure of your message, which has been proven to effectively increase sales. In your ad, put your autoresponder address where a visitor will be exposed to numerous marketing materials. This multiplies the chances of converting visitors into customers. For example, if you're selling a particular product, put testimonials about how spectacular it is on your autoresponder, and add a
detailed, enticing description of your product.
7. Distribute advertising. Let's say you sell advertising on your website or in your newsletter or e-zine. Set your autoresponder to send the information about rates and how to place an ad automatically to all prospects' email addresses. Then have your autoresponder follow-up. It can also send notification of any special deals you are currently offering.
8. Distribute an email course. Each day, have your autoresponder send out another lesson. Just be sure that each lesson has quality content - not a sales pitch. Your content will do the selling for you, and will do it much more effectively. You can include tips centered on a different topic for each lesson, illustrating how your product will benefit the reader. Include the tangible benefits the visitor will reap by purchasing your product. Make sure to include a paragraph or two at the end of each lesson enticing your prospect to consider making a purchase.
9. Automate a reminder about your service or product after a visitor has completed your course. This will increase the possibility of sales from visitors who have taken your course but are dragging their feet about actually making a purchase. You can also use these reminders to promote new products or services, and the products and services of your affiliate programs.
10. Distribute free reports. This gives your visitor an idea of the type of information you can provide and the quality of your product or service. Make sure these reports are not sales letters or you will more than likely lose a potential customer than gain a sale.
11. Create trivia quizzes on your site and place the answers in an autoresponder. Your visitor will then be motivated to request your autoresponder, and you will have a record of the visitors' email addresses who took your quiz. Or create a contest and have any visitors that enter send their responses to your autoresponder. Your autoresponder can be set-up to send them a confirmation of their entry.
12. Offer a trial version of your product. Give your prospects a sample of your ebook, course, software, membership, etc. People who are exposed to a little taste often end up wanting the whole pie. You can also capture their email addresses when you offer them a free trial from your website. Set up your autoresponder to give instructions on how to obtain their free trial, and then make sure to follow-up to try and close the sale.
13. Link to hidden pages on your autoresponder. For example, a hidden page could be your affiliate page that contains graphics, promotional articles, and text links that interested affiliates can make use of. Inform visitors that they may have free access to your affiliate page by simply requesting your autoresponder. You will then gather a list of visitors who may be interested in becoming your affiliates.
14. Use an autoresponder on your order page. Post a request form for visitors to be notified of special offers or discounts in the future. This creates a very effective mailing list that contains the names of people who are
already your customers.15. Put your links page on your autoresponder. It should contain up to fifty links that would be of particular interest to your visitors. Make sure to add your own promotional copy at the top or bottom of this page.
Now that you have proof that autoresponders can be used creatively, see if you can come up with some brilliant ideas of your own!
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