Back in Time to the Advent of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)----
As long as the Internet has been around, it has remained a mystery to the mainstream public how Web sites are listed at the top of search engine results. There are many theories of how search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) initially began.
The 1990s
Alan Emtage, a student at the University of McGill, created the first “search” program in 1990 called Archie (still in use today), to archive Web documents. The following year, Gopher started at the University of Minnesota, and this is when the concept of search engines began. In 1993, Matthew Gray created the World Wide Web Wanderer, the earliest known search engine robot that assists with ranking Web sites. But search engines as we use them today were born in 1994. In that same year, Galaxy, Lycos and Yahoo! were all started, two of which are still widely popular search engines today.
Yahoo! was among the first to implement SEO techniques, even though at the time they were unaware of the potential growth the industry would soon have at the turn of the century. Yahoo! Founders David Filo and Jerry Yang were trying to get their site seen by others on the Internet by giving it more exposure. Some excellent structure and tricky hand-coding, their site became more available for new visitors. They were not questioned about ethical business practices because nobody was sure what was considered ethical or unethical – there were simply no standards in place yet.
As the initial search engines were cataloging the early Internet, many business owners soon learned to appreciate the value of their Web site being listed in the search engines, as they first saw increases in visitors to their Web sites. They began submitting their URLs on a continuous basis, and changed their sites to support the needs of search engine robots. SEO companies started showing up, when they began experimenting with the concept of search engine optimization, with the emphasis initially on the submission process alone. Soon afterwards, the first automatic submission software was released, and it was then the notion of Spam came into existence.
The 2000s
SEO professionals have been seen in a negative light over the last five years, due in part because in early 2001, enthusiastic webmasters quickly realized they could overwhelm search engine result pages by over submitting Web sites. Unfortunately, as the Internet industry developed, search engines quickly became cautious of new SEO companies attempting to generate visitors for their clients at any cost, however unfair or unethical. Tactics such as keyword spamming, doorway pages, cloaking, and hidden white text placed on white backgrounds proved too much for the search engines to tolerate. As a result, the search engines replied with numerous countermeasures, created to filter out any techniques considered spam. That is good news, although it forced ethical SEO companies to start using more subtle techniques to assist their clients Web sites with obtaining rankings in the engines.
The “big 3” search engines, Google, MSN and Yahoo!, have recently come to the realization that SEO as an industry is here to stay, and to maintain effective results, they needed to accept the industry, even embrace it, and engines eventually partnered with successful, ethical SEO companies to establish typical standards for fair and ethical optimization. This is important to help keep information relevant and beneficial to visitors while still being unbiased to people who create the content on their Web sites.
The Current State of SEO
Today, there are major differences in how search engines work and how to get ranked in them. With the assistance of proper search engine optimization, Web sites can now have a equal fighting chance of obtaining high rankings. Because SEO is a highly specialized trade that requires both technical skills and business marketing knowledge, it is only through the combination of these two skills that one can properly implement SEO techniques to obtain high search engine rankings. Many SEO specialists have since now realized it is “search engines or bust.”
Backlinking plays a vital role in SEO and also termed as backbone of the website.----
Today the field of search engine optimization is becoming competitive day by day and backlinking is gaining popularity as a crucial SEO tool. There are number of factors determining one’s position on the website and driving traffic towards your site and backlinking is gaining significance and plays an important role for SEO. While discussing about the importance of backlinks, they can be termed as backbone of the website giving it the invisible but essential support.
Defining technically backlinks are the inbound links on the website. They are the links placed on other webpage’s and are directed towards your website, these are also known as incoming links, inlinks, and inward links. Quality inbound links add weight to the website popularity and search engine ranking. 95% of SEO focus today revolves around quality backlinking.
There are a number of ways to build quality and effective backlinks for your website. Submitting your site to directories, article sites, Online Press Releases, placing signature links in the forums, leaving comments on the blogs etc. are some easiest methods for inbound linking. You can use reciprocal link exchange program with quality websites to get related with them.
Importance of backlinking for the SEO game can be discussed under following points:
• Quality backlinks attracts search engines to find your website. Here, quality of the links dominates over the no. of links directed towards your website. Important thing to be noticed is, a web site linked to you having content relevant to your website will perform better than the website having content unrelated to your website.
• Backlinking is a part of the entire ranking algorithm process for all the search engines. If two sites are similar in content and design, search engines have a tendency to prefer site having more inbound links but again quality links dominate. Linking with a bad site will cause a drop off for your websites on the search engines.
• Quality backlinks drive not only search engines but are a crucial factor to attract the web users towards your website.
• Backlinks helps to point towards your site. Backlinks found on forums, blogs and other sites across the internet boost up your website popularity.
• In today’s PR obsessed internet world inbound links are an effective tool to gain better Google PR. Google always consider number of inbound links while raking the websites.
• Not only Google but all the biggies like Yahoo and MSN now use link popularity and link anchor text as the most important factors in determining their rankings.
• Linking to the relevant and standard websites enhance your credibility in the World Wide Web.
You can increase your website PR and web traffic through the inbound linking with trusted resources. Add some quality links to your website and see your web business rocking.
Backlinks, Anyone?----
In order to increase your search engine rankings, getting backlinks is important. But getting links from other sites can be tough. Here are 2 creative ways you can try to get more backlinks.
Start a Community of Websites
One of the easiest ways to gain backlinks is to start other websites and have them linked to yours. Blogs are a great way to get traffic because there’s no cost, they provide free traffic, and are easily searchable throughout the blogging community. I’ve seen other various websites that target a younger audience even using myspace as a source of traffic and backlinks. And the list goes on and on for other quick sites you can start with a good amount of traffic.
Email Campaigns
Some people are hesitant to do this because they think no one would ever go to their site if the email even gets opened, or they have no idea who to email a promotion letter to. While the person who doesn’t have an idea of his audience can easily fix this problem, I’d say for every website that has updated content that isn’t gibberish, somebody has to like it and for every email sent out, there is probably at least 10% that the email gets opened if you target your audience precisely. Give yourself some confidence, and keep in mind that none of these techniques would get your website blacklisted or has any risk to it, except for wasting your time. But if you have the time to waste, research on who your audience is, get a list of emails of your audience and compile it in an excel sheet, and start your email campaigns. One person that I work with has a job site, which gets employers and job seekers together. Well all job sites needed jobs, so he started emailing to a number of colleges and got links for Rutgers, Harvard, and other colleges across the nation. Doing this boosted his Google rankings from 2/10 to 6/10. Just keep in mind that 1 email will not do the trick. You need to keep emailing the people in your excel sheet, but change the content of the email each time you do so.
Unless you don’t a good amount of time to spend on getting backlinks, I wouldn’t worry about how well your methods are working. Most of the techniques listed above as well as others you might think of should give you some increase in traffic that would last a very long time, as well as boosting your search engine rankings. These things suck up a lot of time, but the rewards can be high.
Bad SEOs? What about Bad SEO Clients?----
You hear all the time about bad SEOs. Bad SEOs are offering worthless services, failing to deliver on their internet marketing promises, polluting the search engine results—well, a lot of bad things. But how much ever gets said about bad SEOs' spiritual counterparts: bad SEO clients?
As an SEO, I can see things from the other side of the table. You see, despite trying hard to make it clear I'm a good, ethical, results-oriented, smarter marketing, white-hat SEO, I have gotten no end of inquiries from bad prospective SEO clients. Sure, no one who gets cheated is ever entirely to blame, and some cheated businesses are entirely blameless. But the bad SEOs would have too small a market to stay in business if it weren't for almost-as-bad clients.
Shades of Bad SEO Clients
First, let me make clear what I mean by “bad” SEOs. Bad SEOs are bad because they either do unethical things to get e-marketing results, or because they consistently fail to deliver results. A good SEO delivers results and does it without trampling over other people's rights (like submitting automated comments to their websites or trying to get good sites de-indexed).
A bad SEO client, in turn, is someone who will only be satisfied (albeit temporarily) with a bad SEO. Because they refuse to consider ethical web consultants or smarter marketing strategies, they are creating markets for the e-marketing charlatans and black-hats. There are two basic types of bad SEO clients: crooks and fool--oops, I mean, ethically challenged and judgmentally-challenged.
Ethically-Challenged SEO Clients
I haven't gotten so many inquiries asking for out-and-out unethical services. Still, I've been asked about blog-sp@mming software and other shady internet marketing tactics a couple times. A colleague shared this gem with me: “Have you thought about just scanning a book from the library and using it for web content? Or is that too high-risk?” (Seriously, someone asked him this.)
Of course, judging from the amount of comment sp@m and SEO-motivated hacking on the web, there is plenty of demand for this stuff.
Judgmentally-Challenged SEO Clients
A much larger group of bad SEO clients are simply those who insist on putting themselves in the way of fraud. Yes, that's right: I'm blaming the victim. Someone who goes looking for a $5 gold watch can't cry too long if the watch turns out to be fake or hot. With SEO, there are a few more nuances, but it's the same essential idea.
The overwhelming majority of these judgmentally challenged souls are private individuals whose only business is the business-in-a-kit variety. Yet they are also sometimes representatives of actual successful companies. The real businesspeople tend to be quicker to let their misconceptions go (after all, they can afford the real SEO alternatives), but not always. Let's look at some representative types of this group, straight out of my own inbox (note: these are inquiries from prospects, not actual clients).
1. Something-for-(Little More than)-Nothing Clients
Really, I tend to think these people should be in the ethically challenged group, but maybe that's just the remnant of my work ethic making me be mean There are actually two kinds of these clients:
* The ambitious but cheap client: “I'd like to get to the top of Google for the keyword, 'mortgage' so I can turn over $100,000/month in revenue. I can spend up to $1,000.”
* The Adsense-is-my-business-plan client: you wouldn't believe the numbers of inquiries I get from people who only plan to make money off Adsense or other on-site advertising—they don't even have a plan for getting repeat traffic, nor do they have content to synergize with the SEO effort. By buying promotional services, they would essentially be buying advertising in order to make money off advertising—you see where that could be a problem?
Another way of looking at it: why wouldn't I just create a site myself and keep all the profit from my efforts? In fact, most SEOs do have their own project sites, which are often monetized by Adsense. The money we could otherwise get from Adsense is one very low baseline for pricing our services. Legitimate SEO clients are typically selling goods or services at a profit rate that works out to ten or more times what they could get from Adsense.
In addition to the greedy, I also see a few other kinds of less common, but still problematic prospective SEO clients:
2. SEO-Starry-Eyed Clients: “Search engine traffic is definitely the best way for me to get pet-sitting clients in my tiny Himalayan village.”
3. The Little-Knowledge-Is-a-Dangerous-Thing Client: “Don't tell me about keyword research, content, anchor text, or natural linking strategy, just get me the PageRank (or links, keyword density, or whatever the fad is).”
4. Gullible-and-Not-Letting-Go Client: “I know of at least two services that will submit my site to thousands of search engines for $29.95. If you can't do that, I'll take my business elsewhere.”
5. I-Will-Never-Trust-SEO-But-I'll-Consider-It-Anyway Client: “No one can guarantee a good search engine ranking so this is all pointless—I'll just go with that $29.95 search engine submission package someone just emailed me about. At least it's cheap.”
In short, if you are going to find good SEO web consultants, you need: 1) realistic expectations; 2) a realistic budget; 3) solid information. Don't expect something for nothing, do a little reading, and it's much less likely you'll fall victim to bad SEOs.
Basic Search Engine Optmization----
Search engine optimization is not as difficult the way many people make it out to be. It seems mysterious, but let me reveal how this simple thing can be done without a line of code, without breaking any law, and still generate a ton of extra traffic to your site.
Basically, search engine optimization is about getting higher rankings. But that's beside the point. That's the end result of what you DO that actually gets you those rankings. In Singapore SEO trainings are hardly seen but I often do it for my clients on a private basis.
There are basically 5 things you need to do in order to accomplish better search engine rankings, even if you are complete novice at it. I call these the 5 Pillars of search engine optimization.
Pillar #1 - Multiple Backlinks
Create as many links back to your site as possible. How? You can use submission software that post to multiple websites all at the same time. I prefer to use those that are a little more reputable and I do not spam, especially blogs. Backlinks can come easily, but you will need to do it properly to prevent the backlack. The easiest way to do it is to collect a list of places where you can submit to. I have a directory listing of ping servers that you can find at www.StuartFreeTools.com. That should get you started. The rest need to be Googled as "submit your url" or "submit your article". The more backlinks, the better.
Pillar #2 - Frequency
Even if you are building backlinks, you need to have a regular frequency. If possible, every day, if not every other day. You need to be consistent in your efforts to build backlinks. Now, this may be tedious, but it probably won't take you more than an hour a day to maintain this. You don't have to write articles at all. You only need a robot that works 24/7 for you. I've got some recommendations that I've put up on my blog at www.InternetMarketingSingapore.com/blog and you can see how in Singapore, SEO elements are just as easily implemented by me compared with experts who have many years of experience.
Pillar #3 - Multiple Hosting Accounts
I recommend this because search engines look at IP addresses. with multiple hosting accounts, you get better inbound links from your own site. If you're smart, you'll start creating a whole ton of these to boost your own link popularity from other sites.
Pillar #4 - Important Sites
If you haven't already, Brad Callen's SEO Elite has a great way of better optimizing high PageRank links. PageRank is Google's way of tracking how important you are. For SEO purposes, around PR 2 or 3 should be sufficient for your needs. Get backlinks from these sites.
Pillar #5 - Onpage structure
Your onpage structure is very important. If a search engine is visiting you, it won't spend an hour online. It will be done in a matter of seconds, so you really ought to see how far you can go with this. Ensure you have proper meta titles, utilizing H1 and H2 tags effectively, and of course, anchor text within your site. Make sure you have links into your web page on the first index page of your site. I highly recommend you use blogs for such an endeavor because most of these are already optimized for you. Remember - you are always optimizing for keywords, so those MUST appear on your page for search engines to find you.
Here are the three things you must do.
First, make regular attempts to create backlinks (not reciprocal links) with other sites. Leave genuine comments on blogs, post into classified directories, submit your articles to various sites, whatever it takes. Do this as regularly as possible.
Second, ensure you have solid content. People will want to link to you because your content is good. So I recommend that you either write your own or ask someone to build it for you at one of the freelancer sites like www.elance.com.
Third, maintain consistency in what you do. 1 a day for 100 days is very different from 100 a day posts on your website. Beware because search engines treat the latter as spamdexing.
SEO doesn't take forever, but it requires a wee bit of patience. The Singapore SEO market, for instance, is pretty easy to dominate. But that's because you have niche keywords that you are optimizing for with very little competition. In other markets, it's not like the Singapore SEO market because you've got very competitive phrases, and that might take a bit longer. Whatever the case, consistency wins out in the end, so start right now!
Basic SEO Wisdom-------
This is a story about a poor guy with an inept domain that wanted to build a site geared for a very competitive keyword and his long, agonizing journey toward the true light of SEO wisdom.
Here's a little foundation for what I'm about to cover here. A while back I bought a stupid domain name. It was one of those fairly useless domain names that might have been good for maybe selling cellphones or something. The thing is, though, I'm a poor guy. I don't have time to taylor a site for cellphones with the pitiful amount of money I have. This was my thinking not long ago at least.
After sitting on this domain name forever I decided to put a site up there and give myself to the study of SEO or search engine optimization. It seemed like an interesting subject and I knew to those that managed to learn SEO, marketing, and some web design would fall infinite riches. It really sounded good to me.
So I went for the throat so to speak. More precisely I picked out some search terms that I will probably never be able to get traffic for in my lifetime. Smart I know. This had the grand side effect of having the site sandboxed by Yahoo and Google until pigs flew.
Recently they flew, however, and I've come out of the sandbox altogether and hit face to face with a few SEO surprises. I did manage to get a tiny trickle of traffic but not from the terms I tried to get it from. After trying to optimize those pages for the key terms I received traffic from I got more traffic. This of course started me down a long road of speculation and hair pulling.
After many a night of such I've come up with a few things that I believe will give anyone the power to eventually pull traffic off the net and covert it into a good decent living. I'll probably write an ebook and make millions one of these days.
Optimize by the page
Don't fall into the trap of focusing totally on building this far flung and far reaching site that will rule the world or make you millions instantly. Unless you have lots of money you're going to need to work for your traffic. Plan your site out carefully and make sure each page is a precision crafted piece of art.
I love serverside scripting and dynamic websites but I've come to realize there is a danger that people will overuse it. I know I have. If your site is dynamically generted, make sure every page isn't a total cookie cutter image of every other page. It's good to have the same navigation and same general layout but each page also needs to be special. Each page should have careful, proven SEO techniques applied to maybe a single key phrase.
Don't try to optimize one page for a handful of phrases. Just focus on one phrase. Do your keyword research and, whatever you do, don't haul off and pick a key phrase with 2 billion wealthy competitors in Google. Pick something that can be attained and can get you some traffic relatively fast. Select a phrase that is as specific as possible to your particlar niche and still gets a couple thousand or so searches per month from Yahoo.
Whatever you do, make sure that one web page has good, solid, desirable content that is keyword rich and one of a kind. This will help make it special. At the same time your content obviously needs to lead the customer toward your intented goal for monetizing your traffic.
Keep it simple
I've found to my dismay that building a complex web site with all the content management stuff and all the database thrills isn't exactly what really gets the attention of search engines. Weirdly enough this can be true for internet surfers too. A nice, clean layout with very accessible content and intuitive navigation will be recognized by both search engines and surfers alike. If you can figure that part out you've just pinned down about 90% of SEO in my opinion.
Engineer your site for your traffic
When you start getting search engine traffic to your site take a very close look at what they are searching for. I assume you have some kind of statistics program and can mostly see what search terms people are using to get to your site. When someone comes in on a keyword or phrase you haven't optimized for do a little research. Does the page they are coming to need touched up to include the search term or would this search term merit its own search engine optimized page to handle the traffic.
With every page you add you are gaining another potentially valuable piece of internet real estate. If you're doing your job right then eventaully each page should get its own traffic and you should begin to attain your goals. Patience and learning are the name of the SEO game.
Basics of Search Engine Optimization----
I am writing this white paper for those people who do not have any idea about search engine optimization (SEO). Special the business community of Pakistan who do not have information on SEO and its importance in today’s world. Search Engine Optimization is the only technique to increase your business revenue form internet and global world. Making a website is not enough in this era of technology; million of website are building and uploading daily on the global internet world. Main objective to write this paper is to promote search engine optimization in Pakistan. According to an internet report over 85% of internet users, use search engines to find related websites like yours? Millions of people each day turn to the major search engines to find products, services and information. With over one billion web sites listed with search engines, how will your customers ever find you among the competition? Search Engine Optimization is the solution.
SEO technical definition
SEO is short of Search Engine Optimization. The term used to describe the marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine once a relevant search is undertaken.
Why SEO is important today
Today, internet marketing turning point on how popular your site is. Optimizing your site for Search Engine Marketing can result in a large hit rate to your site. This happens only if your site is to show whenever somebody searches for the keywords of your site. If your site is in the top of Search Engine Rankings, you need to take recourse only to search engine promotion. This is the only way you can possibly reach all those people who are really searching for your service or product. Internet Marketing today is dependent only on search engine optimization. It matters little that your website has the most beautiful graphics or the most attractive words.
Internet marketing is now gradually increasing in Pakistan, as we are very late in this field so Pakistani websites are behind in many keywords and in generic keywords. It doesn’t means that we can not reach SEO on generic keywords but it takes a lot of continuous effort to compete the generic keywords. Most important thing in SEO is that how often a website is updated and how much popular website is.
The only way to measure the success of a Natural Search Engine Optimization Campaign is to know where you rank on the Internet's most important search engines for the keyphrases/ keywords which are relevant to your company, business.
Out of million’s of website on a single keyword (example: trading) only 10 websites comes on the first page of search engine result. 20 percent peoples open second page of the search engine result and 5 percent of the peoples go to the 3rd page, it means that only those websites/pages which are in top 30 results of the search engine will derive traffic to their websites from internet.
Basic Techniques of SEO
Optimizing a website for Search Engines is neither as difficult nor or complicated job as we think. We just need to know what practices to be done and how to do it. You can optimize your own pages yourself and receive excellent ranking in a matter of few months.
As, number of factors are important when optimizing a website, including the content and structure of the website's copy and page layout, the HTML meta-tags and the submission process.
Below is a list of items which are important in SEO. Each item are factors that search engines look for when crawling your website in my next coming articles I will discuss each item separately to improve your website in terms of each of the following factor:
Your Keywords
• Selecting your keywords
• Prioritize your keywords
Domain name / Filename
• Domain Registration
• Keyword in domain name
• Keyword in filename
• Length of Website Address
Keyword Placement
• Keyword in title tag
• Keyword in Description Meta-tag
• Keyword in Keyword Meta-tag
• Keyword in Content
• H1, H2 and H3 (Heading)
• Keyword Font Styles
Internal Links
• Keyword in links to internal site pages
• Valid internal links
• Efficient linking
External / Outgoing Links
• Quality Links
• Inspecting your Links
• Title and Description
• Limit number of links on a page
Incoming Links (backlinks)
• Quality of Referrer
• Trend of link popularity
• Anchor Text
• Age of Link
• Number of Outgoing Links on Referrer Page
• Position of Link
• Trusted Websites
• JavaScript/Flash Links
On-Page Factors
• Home Page
• Over optimization penalty (OOP)
• Getting Reported
• File Size
• Freshness of Pages
• Frequency of Updates
• Site Age
• Dynamic Pages
• Texts inside Images
• Excess JavaScript
• Inline Frames and Frames
• Hidden links / texts
• Cloaking
• Duplicate content
• Understandable Content
Off-Page Factors
• Traffic Buying / Link Schemes
• A minimum of one backlink
• Buying Links
• Server IP Address
• Links from bad websites
• Server Reliability and Uptime
User Activity
• Search Engine Traffic
• Click through Rate (CTR)
• Time spent on page
• Monitoring Bookmarks
• Leaving the Website
Gathering Links
• Collecting Links
• Unique Content
• Articles
• Press Release
• Forums / Guest books / Blogs
• Sponsoring
• Directories
• Link Exchange
On top of the factors above, I have used a term crawling there. I would like to give a brief introduction to crawling
Crawling, or web crawling is the method search engines use to create an index of the web. Pages are downloaded by an automated service, called a robot or a spider, and processed by the search engine to allow fast centralized searching. When a search engine downloads a page it generally looks at the hyperlinks on that page and processes them based on a set of policies.
In this article I have given an overview of SEO to you, we can achieve top ranking on search engines with continuous efforts and improving our website contents, layout and related material. I have listed all the techniques you can adopt these techniques to optimize your website and getting top ranked. I will describe each topic in detail in my coming articles.
Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)----
Have you heard stories about legendary online entrepreneurs who hit it big after getting a #1 rank in several popular search engines? You probably wondered what it would take for you to achieve that elusive #1 spot in the search engine result pages (SERPs). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in ensuring that your business gets the best possible search engine ranking, which can lead to increased sales for your online company.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Meta-information includes certain HTML tags (title, heading, emphasized text, keyword and description meta-tags), as well as the internal (links between pages on the same site) and external (links between pages on different sites) link structure of a web site.
Impact of High Search Engine Rank on Sales
Internet market research estimates that between 70% and 90% of online shoppers use search engines to find a specific product or service. Let's examine factors that influence sales to see how effective search engine optimization can boost your revenues.
Three metrics are required to forecast online sales: the average ticket, the conversion rate, and the amount of web site traffic:
* The average ticket is the amount of money spent by a customer on a typical transaction. Computer and electronics stores have high average tickets (hundreds or thousands of dollars), while bookstores have low average tickets (tens of dollars).
* Web Site traffic is measured by the number of site visitors, typically expressed as the number of page views per month.
* Conversion rate is the number of sales divided by the number of page views per month, expressed as a percentage.
Let's look at an example. The Ultimate Taupe Widget (UTW) store has an average ticket of $25, a conversion rate of 2%, and gets 5,000 page views per month. The estimated monthly sales are $2,500 ($25 average ticket * 0.02 conversion rate expressed as a decimal * 5,000 page views per month). Achieving a high search engine rank will increase the number of page views, and therefore increase sales. In this example, if traffic doubles to 10,000 page views a month, UTW's monthly sales should (approximately) double as well (to $5,000).
Keep in mind that a high search engine rank will produce a measurable increase in traffic only if there is significant marketplace interest in taupe widgets and your web site appears in the first thirty search engine results.
However, search engine optimization is not going to produce measurable results if there is very little demand for taupe widgets. The #1 spot in search engine result pages is not particularly impressive if only two people search for "taupe widgets" each month. Role of Keywords in Search Engine Optimization
Keywords are words or phrases users provide to search engines to locate information. Search engines examine page content to determine whether a specific page is relevant for a particular search word or phrase. Thus, effective keyword selection is one of the cornerstones of search engine optimization.
Each keyword is characterized by supply (number of search engine result pages) and demand (number of searches). The easiest way to improve search engine rank is to select keywords that have favorable supply-demand characteristics; that is, ones with a relatively high demand and a relatively low supply. It is much more difficult to improve the search engine position of a page on a high supply, competitive keyword.
Good keywords must be relevant to your product line, as well as your line of business. A #1 rank for "navy widgets" is worthless if you sell taupe widgets exclusively. A potential customer will find your page, quickly discover that you don't sell any navy widgets, and promptly go elsewhere. In effect, the conversion rate for irrelevant search engine hits is very close to zero.
Using Keywords Effectively
Choosing a set of target keywords is the first step in search engine optimization. The second step is using them in the body, title, headings, and meta-tags of a page.
Include the target keywords in the text of the page. Don't overdo it, though --- the keywords should fit smoothly into the surrounding text. Search engines use several techniques to detect excessive keyword density, or too many keywords stuffed into very little supporting text, and will reduce the rank accordingly. A page has too many keywords if they interfere with the general flow of the text on a page and appear to be glaringly out of place
The title tag should contain information that describes the page. Unless you operate a multi-national conglomerate that is already a household name, your company's name is not a descriptive title. Most search engines use the title tag as the first line of your listing in the search engine result pages. Strive to make your title tag say "click me" to a prospective customer. "Superior taupe widgets - 50% off every day" is a good page title, while "Ultimate Taupe Widgets, Inc." is not.
Incorporate keywords into the headings on the page, as well as into emphasized sections (bold or large text). Even though search engines are de-emphasizing descriptive meta-tags, include keywords in them nevertheless. The description meta-tag should have an accurate description of your page, and the keywords meta-tag should contain a set of keywords (separated by commas) that list key concepts mentioned on the page.
Understanding the basics of search engine optimization is an important first step in creating an optimized, well-positioned web site.
Be Seen in Search Engines, NOW!-----
Being indexed by Search Engines is easy… Getting your web page up in the SERP (search engine results page) of Google can sometimes be a little harder. In this article I touch on the three most important things to remember when designing your website for search engines.
Choose you keywords right
Keywords are words, or combinations of words, that people use when searching for a website. In order for people to find your website though, your website must show up in the SERP. If those keywords appear in your website then your site should appear somewhere in the results. When people search using Google, Google uses a ranking system to show the order of the results. One of the things Google takes in to account is keyword relevance, therefore keyword optimization is important. Placing your keywords in the meta-tags is not enough. Placing keywords in a strategic way with in your website's content is vital. It is important for the text to still to make sense for visitors to your website. Repeating your keywords over and over again does not help at all, or using text the same color as the background. The best thing to do is have a seat, research your keywords and take your time writing your content so that it makes sense to anyone reading your website and incorporating as many keywords as possible in to the content.
Valuable incoming links are important
All links help. Some links are just more valuable then others. Links that are more important in Google are pages with higher PR (Page Rank) and pages that are relevant. For an example a website with a PR 5 and is unrelated to your website is actually less valuable that a link from a website with a PR 4 that is related to your website. It is important to build your incoming links slowly. It is most important to create links to your website from valuable websites other than a whole bunch of links from websites that are just filled with links or they are link farms.
Page Layout
In order for the search engines to see the text on your website it has to be able to find it. If you have text that is contained within a table which is then contained in another table, it is possible that the crawler or spider may not find it. To avoid this, it is best to avoid using tables at all. In many cases this is not practical. Try putting the most important text outside the table or at least not placing it in table in tables, use just one table. If the crawler cannot find the content then it can't use it to evaluate where your listing should appear in the SERP. To give your self the best possible chance, avoid this mistake.
Your website's code
Creating clean code isn't really an option, it's a necessity. Some designer's don't really remember to clean up the code on the website, as long as it looks right who cares right? It is important, cluttered code also prevents the search engines from getting to your content. Content is King! Right? If your website has unnecessary code, get rid of it. Make sure your pages validate. To get rid of some extra code use external style sheets and external JavaScript sheets and just link to them. Crawlers find it hard to read JavaScript, most times they just skip over it.
Besides the point listed above, my top five tips for "Being Seen in the Search Engines, Now! " would be to minimize the use of JavaScript, as most crawlers can't read it. Make sure every image has an alt attribute. Don't use images for the navigation bar, use plain text and make sure that it remains the same on all pages to make it consistent. Hyperlink to the pages that are lower within the hierarchy of your website from the content of pages on the top level of the hierarchy. Use keywords in your url.
Beat Google’s Dampening Link Filter with SEO Articles----
Most Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts agree that links back to your site have a great impact on your ranking in the major search engines. Think of it like an election; your site is a candidate and every link to your site is a vote. Of course, it was never quite that simple (high ranking, relevant sites have more voting power) but now it may have gotten even more complicated.
The Dampening Link Filter
It seems that Google may have introduced something called a “Dampening Link Filter” into its indexing algorithm. I’ll give you a layperson’s overview of this filter, but for more intimate details, check out http://www.webpronews.com/insiderreports/searchinsider/wpn-49-20050407GooglesNewLinkFilter.html#google.
More and more people are realising the importance of links back to your site (or “backlinks”). For some time, companies have been engaging in all sorts of link campaigns designed to generate thousands of backlinks. Many of these campaigns haven’t really paid too much attention to the context or lifespan of these links. And Google knows it. Because these campaigns are designed to artificially generate the perception of a site’s importance – to trick the search engines into thinking they’re important – it’s been suggested that Google has decided to put an end to it. Apparently, there’s evidence to suggest that Google has introduced a new link filter to dampen the effect of new backlinks. So if your link generation campaign has just created 500 links in a day from seemingly irrelevant sites, Google will suspect it of being artificial, and refuse to pass on the full effect of those links – at least for a while. Well, that’s how the theory goes, anyway.
It has been argued that you can avoid being penalized by this filter by generating links:
• more slowly;
• from relevant sites; and
• which have a long lifespan.
The wisdom of relevance and lifespan is already well established; the dampening filter is simply one more reason why people should start to heed it. Writing and submitting SEO articles for online publication is one way to do so.
This article explains how SEO articles satisfy each of these three conditions. (For the basics of SEO article writing, take a look at http://www.divinewrite.com/seoarticles.htm.)
Build Backlinks Slowly
Writing quality articles takes time. It’s as simple as that. Even an SEO copywriter can’t just bang an article together in a morning – it has to be well considered. It must be accurate, informative, interesting, well written, and topical. And once you’ve written the article, the real work begins. You then have to submit it to your favourite article submit sites. And as they all have different requirements and idiosyncrasies, submitting your article to 50 submit sites can take you all day!
Once submitted, even the best articles will only be published gradually. A good article can be published 2 or 3 times a day for a week or two, then interest tapers off. But still, over the course of 6 months a single good article can be published hundreds of times! And remember, each time is a link.
Build Backlinks From Relevant Sites
As soon as you choose the topic of your article, you define the type of site that will publish it. All online publishers have an agenda; they want to generate traffic. Whether for commercial or benevolent reasons, they want particular kinds of articles for very specific audiences. Your article won’t be published on irrelevant sites simply because the publishers of those sites get nothing out of it.
Of course, your article may be published on sites that are only marginally relevant. For instance, this article may be published on general copywriting websites, advertising websites, web design websites, home business websites, etc. But the beauty of a well written SEO article is that you get to optimize it for the keywords that you want to rank for. So even if the keywords on the publishing site don’t quite match your own target keywords, the page containing your link (i.e. your article) does.
What’s more, you even have the power to optimize the links themselves. For instance, as an SEO copywriter, I can distribute backlinks throughout my article that use my target keywords as the link text (e.g. copywriter, SEO copywriter, advertising copywriter, and website copywriter ;-). Some submit sites don’t let you do this, but most will – at least in the byline.
And one other thing – other people link to good articles. This can increase the Page Rank of the site containing your article, which, in turn, can increase the page rank of your own site. It’s a win-win situation!
Build Backlinks With a Long Lifespan
The quality of your SEO article determines the lifespan of your backlink. Write a very helpful article, make it easy to read, and choose a topic which isn’t going to go away in a hurry, and your article will stay online for years.
In any event, most publishers tend not to clear out their article libraries simply because it’s better for them to have lots of content available to both readers and search engines.
While it’s no new phenomenon to SEO veterans and SEO copywriters, the writing of SEO articles to generate backlinks is a tactic which offers much in the way of ranking. The possibility of a Google dampening link filter simply increases the value of that offering.
Happy writing!
Beating The Competition With A Solid SEO Plan----
In the 21st century, more and more businesses are turning to the Internet and World Wide Web to market and sell their goods and services. As a result, the Internet is becoming a very competitive place. Therefore, if you are a business owner, operator or manager who is establishing an Internet presence, you need to understand that the best way of ensuring that you will be able to take on the competition effectively is through the development of a sold SEO plan. Indeed, in the absence of a solid, aggressive SEO plan, your online business venue likely will flounder and end up being of little help in your overall marketing scheme.
One of the factors that you need to keep in mind about having an effective SEO plan is that an SEO plan needs to be only one of the elements of an overall Internet marketing plan for your business enterprise. SEO should be one of the elements -- an important element to be sure -- of your complete and comprehensive marketing program for your Internet business enterprise.
If you are new to operating or owning an Internet based business enterprise, you might want to consider hiring an SEO professional or consultant to assist you in developing your SEO plan for your business. In this regard, and going along with what has been mentioned previously in this article, when it comes to retaining a professional, you might want to look for a person who has a broad range of experience in the marketing of an Internet based business. You may want to considering hiring a person who understands SEO and the other manners in which an Internet business can be marketing online in this day and age.
In the end, by developing a solid SEO plan and program -- as part of an overall Internet marketing program -- you will be able to boost the traffic that visits your Internet website. More often than not, increased traffic means increased business at your website. And, over the long run, increased business will result in a jump of the profits that you enjoy through the operation of your Internet based business enterprise. By following these tips and recommendations, you will be wel on your way to creating and solidifying a well run and profitable Internet based business enterprise that will serve your interests well into the future.
Beginning SEO for Young Websites----
As websites age, they will naturally gain popularity. For the newly born websites, they are at a slight disadvantage. Fortunately, the SEO playing field is very fair amongst all competitors. Here are some things you can do to spice up the traffic and rankings.
Unique Content
Although I cannot promise anyone, it would make sense that this rule applies in the far future also. The quality of content will almost always have a decent if not huge impact on the ranking of your website. The amount of content matters, but even more so is the relevancy of the content on your website. For low cost ideas, try hiring ghost writers or college students. Some websites only have a message boards loaded with people using it to their advantage. These sites are very lucky to have other people generating content for them for free. Pages with only keywords and no real usable content will often get your website blacklisted. This doesn’t mean you have to be a master at writing to develop the content for your site. Not unless the search engines become so sophisticated later on.
Having internal pages linked within your website is a good idea. Linking to other websites won’t help your ranking nearly as much as having other websites linking to yours. Some people try to build a community of sites, and have them linked to each other. Others submit their sites to online directories such as Yahoo! Directory and the Open Directory Project. This helps your startup site a little bit but not nearly as well as it used to.
Yes! The website address matters more than people think. I’m not talking about the domain name. The chunks of characters after the domain name often contain characters like “?” and “=” for dynamic pages. These characters are not supported by many major search engines and will create difficulty for spiders and bots to crawl through your website.
These are just a few tips to get most people started in marketing their site to the world. The work required is a never ending project since search engines keep updating with more complex search algorithms. When your site grows and surpasses your traffic and ranking expectations, remember, SEO takes more hard work than genius.
Benefits of Internet Marketing – Search Engine Optimization---
Because the internet has became a staple in the daily lives of the majority of people around the world, it is important for business owners to realize how much their company can benefit from having a properly optimized web site. Regardless of whether a company sells products or services, having a web site that is properly optimized can and will provide several major benefits for any company.
Obviously, the first major benefit of having a web site for your company is an increase in revenue. As long as your web site is properly optimized by a professional firm, your web site will help you increase your sales of your company's products or services. When a web site is properly optimized, it will be able to attract targeted visitors. This means that the majority of the traffic your web site receives will be people that are already interested in the products or services your company is providing, which will make the task of completing a sale much easier (instead of trying to complete a sale with an un-targeted visitor).
In addition to increasing your company's revenues, a quality web site will increase the awareness of your company's brand. Because people will consistently see your web site when they are searching for something in your industry, they will associate your company's brand and name as a reliable leader in that industry.
Finally, when your company has its own web site, it will actually increase your company's credibility in the off-line world. Because people expect businesses of all sizes to have their own web site, when you are able to print your web site's URL on materials such as business cards or fliers, people will instantly feel that your company is more credible than one of your competitors that has not taken the time to have a web site created for their company.
In order to have a properly optimized web site that your potential customers will actually be able to find when they visit a search engine like Google, you need to work with an internet marketing SEO firm. In case you are not familiar with this terminology, an internet marketing SEO firm combines the practices of internet marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) to provide their customers with the highest level of service. Internet marketing methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising and viral marketing, while search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural search results. Although many firms only focus on internet marketing or search engine optimization, by choosing a firm that is experienced in both fields, you can ensure that your web site is properly optimized from every angle and provides the maximum amount of benefits for your company.
Best marketing source to your internet marketing higardearticlesubmitter-----
The Internet has made this world an open enterprise. It has become important for companies to further expand their market and their consumer targets. Engaging to Internet Marketing maybe a risk for people who wish to be involved with this type of business.
Ensure that most of your target consumers will surely acquire your product. Consider the best products which will definitely capture their interests and needs. This means that you need to identify specifically who these people are, their location and financial level in the society. Have a marketing knowledge and skill to achieve your goal in the field of Internet marketing.
At the present, you can use varied Internet Marketing Solutions that is being offered by companies which can be your tool for support to your consumers. This solution maybe email marketing, search engine optimization or creating web pages or sites. Since you need to maximize your return profit, you need to choose Internet Marketing Solutions that will help you achieve this. These marketing techniques will not cost much since they are very self-explanatory, thus, learned easily.
Email marketing is a common Internet marketing Solution. This is a cost effective way of communicating and interacting to your consumers, driving them to visit your website and check out your products. It may be in a way of marketing articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A newsletter has an advantage of expanding your consumers as more and more sign up on it until you can have a bulk list of emails.
Another great Internet marketing solution is through websites. This is a good promotion strategy to employ since you can display all the necessary information for your target consumers. The website should capture their interest and be complete since every transaction, from inquiry to payments may take place. All correspondence that will be done online must be well-facilitated by the features of your website.
Another Internet marketing solution is search engine optimization. This is a type of service for your website that you can make use of in order to raise the number of visitors to your site. Once a consumer uses a search engine, your website will rank high in the list of searches which in return will increase your site's traffic. For automatic article submission get this amazing tool higradearticlesubmitter.com
Considering these Internet Marketing Solution, there are different companies offering software products containing one or all of these solutions. It would be a great opportunity to try one of these which will match your financial capability and expected return profit.
Best SEO Company in INDIA----
From last couple of days I noticed different page rank in different Google datacenter and today in the morning when I reached to the office and as per schedule I was checking my websites I noticed PR update on all my new domains.
I visited many website today and found this PR updating is not too good for previous well ranked websites. I checked major seo websites and other well ranked websites and I noticed most of all websites PR went down.
Recently Google had changed algorithm and very strict about paid linking. In Google webmaster tool they introduced paid links form where you can write about any website that selling or buying a link. Mostly paid linking is used to manipulation of search engine. I visited iwebtool.com; they are also selling links and found that their page rank goes down from 7 to 4. This shows Google is very strict about paid linking and in future Google may penalize website that involved in paid linking.
Google's Page Rank Update Goes After Paid Links?
Seems like there is a Page Rank update taking place now that seems to be impacting sites that sell links. Can't say that we were not warned about this. Danny Sullivan wrote Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google over two weeks ago, and now it appears many sites are getting hit with a drop in Page Rank.
Here is a list of some sites, including major publishers, who seem to have taken a hit overnight:
• http://www.washingtonpost.com/ PR7 to PR5
• http://www.forbes.com/ PR7 to PR5
• http://www.suntimes.com/ PR7 to PR5
• http://www.sfgate.com/ PR7 to PR5
• http://www.statcounter.com/ PR10 to PR6
• http://www.masternewmedia.org/ PR7 to PR4
• http://www.autoblog.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.engadget.com/ PR7 to PR5
• http://www.problogger.net/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.copyblogger.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.joystiq.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.tuaw.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.searchengineguide.com/ PR7 to PR4
• http://www.searchenginejournal.com/ PR7 to PR4
• http://www.johnchow.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://www.quickonlinetips.com/ PR6 to PR3
• http://weblogtoolscollection.com/ PR6 to PR4
• http://andybeard.eu/ PR5 to PR3
• http://www.seroundtable.com/ PR7 to PR4
• http://www.blogherald.com/ PR6 to PR4
I am sure there are many more. Is this a direct hit against sites that sell paid links? That is too hard to say for sure.
Best Tips For Web Directory Submission Link Building Campaigns----
The buzzword of the hour is ‘SEO’. It has transformed the architecture of sites, brought about many new jobs, and is now considered vitally important for those that want to take their online operations to the next level. In its simplest form, search engine optimization (or “SEO”) is about doing everything you can to boost your natural ranking in the major search engines. The algorithm that ranks your site (despite variations across engines) is a compilation of many different variables. There is no one magic secret or special key you can turn. The goal is really to check off as many variables as possible from that algorithm. The kicker is that, for the most part, we don’t actually know what is contained in these algorithms that are so important to us. We can, however, make educated guesses. And there are several aspects of SEO that most, if not all, industry professionals agree on. One of those factors is the importance of link-building.
The Internet was built upon links. Sites link to one another to guide users through relevant information. Since these links basically mean, “there’s relevant information on this site,” each link pointing towards your site counts as a “vote” towards it. These votes help improve your natural ranking, especially when coupled with a well-built SEO friendly site. The big question is, of course, how do I go about getting other sites to link mine? Fortunately, the answer is an easy one, because there are many well run search engine friendly directories that would be more than happy to link to your site as part of their directory.
But the most popular directories receive thousands of applications to review. As such, they develop rules and guidelines for your submission. These rules are put in place to ensure that the submission and approval process can flow as smoothly as possible, as well as to help the directory select only the sites that are, in fact, relevant. And so the question returns: how do I ensure that my site gets accepted into the high-quality, top web directories?
It is very easy to adhere to the rules of a web directory with very little effort. In addition, because the editors of any directory are really looking for the same things, the rules from web directory to web directory tend to be very similar.
Count Those Characters:
One of the big rules imposed by directories has to do with the length of your title, description and keywords. If there were no limit, some people would write an essay for descriptions and cram in every possible keyword. Let me assure you that no directory editor wants to review a site application that could be broken up into chapters! Directories impose restrictions that essentially force you to be straight to the point. You might not be able to say everything about your site, so pick the most important points and go with that. Before you start submitting anywhere, sit back and write a few well-formulated descriptions that span 100, 150, 200, and 250 characters. One of those four levels will generally work in any web directory you come across. Once that’s done, most of the hard work is out of the way. Now all you have to do is look for the character requirements, copy and paste your blurb of that length, and you’re all set. The same thing holds true for keywords, so prepare a few different options so that, come submission time, it’s just a matter of picking the right one.
Would You Approve A Spam Filled Site Application?
Do not spam your directory listings. That can’t be more clearly stated, yet for some reason, people still do it. You are never going to get listed in any human reviewed directory when you try this tactic. An example of this would be that if you sell widgets, when you submit your information you repeat the word ‘widgets’ in your title, description, and keywords as many times as possible. Typically comprehension takes a back seat as the focus becomes cramming the word in as many times as possible. Directory editors hate this and it’s a very easy rejection. If you think that even attempting to spam like this is helpful, you might want to think again. If you spend time submitting to web directories with poorly articulated, spam-filled information, you are going to get rejected. You’ve then wasted a lot of your time and gotten absolutely nothing in return.
Choose The Right Category:
Web directories are sorted by topic and editors typically take great pride in ensuring that everything stays well organized. A tiny little bit of effort on your part to choose the right category can vastly improve your chances of being listed without any delay. The reason is simply that if you are an editor and you want to approve a site, you probably only have to click one button. But, if that site chose the wrong category, then you need to edit the application to modify the category (and now the editor has to find the correct category in the hierarchy!), which takes more time. If you are the editor sitting there with thousands of applications to process, it’s much easier to click the ‘reject’ button than it is to start fumbling through categories. So, put yourself in their shoes and do them a favor, because ultimately it’s you and your site that stand to benefit when you are approved.
A successful web directory submission campaign is when you maximize your time so that you get listed in the most directories possible. By following the above tips, you can help ensure you get approved, which goes a long way towards achieving your goal. With everything pre-written and good intentions to play by the rules, you’ll be flying through your submission campaign in no time.
Better Business Option For Website----
Today’s trends have shown that more of the sales that results from search engines originated organic search listings. Organic search engine optimization is maximizing the visibility of a website by ornamental listings appear more prominently in organic search results. It’s a process by which internet users find website without paying to search engines. While a pay-per –click campaign may produce results more quickly than an organic search engine optimization campaign, organic search engine optimization campaigns give you the results that last. SEO India always results tend to be seen as non-biased, and they there for are able to provide visitors that are more valuable. An organic search results tend to be seen as non- biased, and they therefore are able to provide visitors that are more valuable. An organic search results is end product of search engine optimization techniques applied to a website. There are a host of factors to bring your websites on top for your keywords. Organic SEO India demands deep competitive analysis, keywords research, links relevancy, titles, Meta tags, content, and the list of endless. SEO India keeps updating their algorithms, so there is a need to keep the pace too. Once the website starts to get visitors, the number of hits starts to rise. And search engines believe that if a site has more traffic, it must be relevant and valuable. This SEO India always improves different techniques to develop website. As every body know that a better ranking offers better business.
In the end we come at the conclusion that SEO India always trying to provide upper growth for website. Its very simple process, when we are preparing for dish first we need to search. This same thing used by SEO India before offering any website a better position.
Black & White - The Philosophies of SEO----
Search engine optimization otherwise known as SEO is a popular form of search engine marketing. The main goal of which (as its name would suggest) is to improve the ranking of the site in various search engines. An entire industry of consultants has sprung up around the idea of search engine optimization. However, it’s important to note that there are two distinct and disparate methodologies at work when it comes to optimization. In fact the SEO consultants themselves as well as their methods can be subdivided further into two different groups. The categories are best known as "white hat SEO" (which is aimed at improving overall site quality, and increasing the site’s ranking through approved methods), or "black hat SEO" (often use methods such as cloaking and spamdexing to increase rankings. However, using such methods can lead to your site to being removed from search engine listings). Those in the white hat camp charge that black hat methods are not only giving SEO a bad name but are also attempting to manipulate and undermine the search rankings. The black hatters counter that argument by saying that in truth all SEO is an attempt to manipulate rankings, and therefore the particular methods one uses to increase rankings are irrelevant. In other words they take the more Machiavellian approach of using the end results to justify the means they use.
So what more specifically are the methods being employed by the two camps?
White hat methods:
These methods typically involve following the search engines' published guidelines as to what is and what isn't acceptable. The advice typically given by the white hat SEO experts is to create more user-friendly content, and not focus so much on the search engines. That is if your site is well put together and presents something users need it will naturally climb in the rankings. Also by making content that is easily accessible to the search engines spiders it will be properly read and therefore properly indexed in the search engines. The white hatters are needed most often because a webmaster has made critical mistakes in either the design or the set-up of their websites, inadvertently "poisoning" them so that they will not rank well. The SEOs then attempt to discover and correct these mistakes, which may include unreadable menus, broken links, temporary redirects, or simply a poor navigation structure.
Here are a few examples of SEO activities which the search engines find acceptable:
• Using a reasonably-sized, accurate description meta tag without excessive use of keywords, exclamation marks or off topic terms.
• Optimizing tags, titles and other parts of the code as necessary
• Using WordTracker or a similar database to find popular and relevant keywords and phrases to use for your site.
• Monitoring the various search engines to ensure that your URL gets indexed
• Increasing the amount of unique content on the site.
• Writing quality content for the website visitors instead of the search engines.
Black hat methods:
Whereas the white hat methods follow search engine guidelines "Black hat" SEO methods to try to improve rankings by any means necessary. Most of these methods are disapproved of by the search engines, typically because of their deceptive nature, but also hamper the ability of the search engines to provide quality content to site visitors. Search engines often penalize the sites they discover using black hat methods, by reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from the search engine results altogether. These penalties are usually applied automatically by the search engines' algorithms, because the Internet is too large to make manual policing of websites feasible. However once they are discovered, search engines may take action against those found to be using unethical SEO methods. Take for example Google’s removal of both BMW Germany and Ricoh Germany in February 2006 for use of these practices.
One common black hat method is known as Spamdexing. Spamdexing is the promotion of irrelevant, chiefly commercial, pages through various deceptive techniques and the abuse of the search algorithms. Unfortunately it often gets confused with white hat search engine optimization techniques, which do not involve deceit. Spamming involves getting websites more exposure than they deserve for their keywords, leading to unsatisfactory search results. Optimization involves getting websites the rank they deserve on the most targeted keywords, leading to satisfactory search experiences.
One example of spamdexing is link farming. Link farming can be basically defined as any group of web pages that all link to every other page in the group. Another common practice is listing popular keywords in fine print or in the same color as the background so they can’t be seen by users.
So how can you tell the difference between Black and White SEO practices?
A very easy way to distinguish between the two is though the amount of time involved in getting the desired results. White hat SEOs use methods that produce results slowly over time and only after a good deal of effort has been put into the site. Black hat SEOs offer you quick and easy results most, if not all, of which will obtained through deceptive practices.
Black Hat SEO – What Never To Do Or Get Banned----
While there are many legitimate skills in SEO there are also those that can work but if you get caught using them the results can be disastrous. When search engine optimization became an issue many techniques were employed because at that point the search engines used a much simpler algorithm. As these tricks were used to exploit the simpler algorithms they were also served to make them more advanced. Let’s look at a few tricks.
Cloaking and redirects are methods whereby you show one page to the search engine but a different one to the visitor. A redirect merely brings visitors to one page and then sends them to another page by refreshing the page with one on their site. Cloaking involves fooling a search engine’s indexer into thinking that it is something else and getting the indexer to send false information back to its boss.
Other techniques involve overloading metatags with keywords or even hiding keywords in plain site on the webpage. A variation on this technique is to shrink the keywords so that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
Using unrelated keywords is another trick especially when combined with the above mentioned tricks. By using unrelated keywords in this manner you can drive traffic to your site from multiple sources.
Using an overly optimized landing page can also work. This is not the same thing as a legitimate landing page. In this case you use any and all methods to overly optimize a single and use that to lead people to your site. This would involve using all of the above methods for this one page.
The ultimate penalty for using the unscrupulous methods is banishment from the search engines themselves. Be careful when you employ these dark methods for fear of this punishment. Being penalized is one thing but to not even be on a search engine in the first place is your worst case scenario.
Black Hat SEO: Taking The Shorter Route To Online Success----
Higher search engine ranking is not achieved overnight. It takes considerable efforts and time to finally get a website to the top of search engine results. One of the most effective ways to help a website establish successful online presence and ranking is search engine optimisation or SEO.
Search engine optimisation; however, takes time to achieve results. Some web marketers are not open to the idea of waiting for months to achieve the search engine ranking they are aiming for. This is the reason why some of them decide to take the shorter route to high search engine ranking. They do this by using black hat SEO techniques.
Black Hat Search Engine Optimisation Techniques
Some websites copy content from other websites. The search engines are always in the look out for quality content. But writing content can be so laborious and some web marketers don’t want to go through this task. So instead of writing their own content, they just copy from other successful websites. This is a trick that triggers the red flag from the search engines. Oftentimes, it results to search engine penalty.
Another major factor that the search engines are looking for is keyword. A website that is highly optimised for a particular keyword will rank high on the search engines every time that keyword is searched for. Some web marketers want to get the short cut top ranking by using keywords excessively on the website’s pages. The trick is using invisible keywords (they use the same colour for the keywords’ font and the page’s background) so that the keywords will not be visible to the site visitors. Just like duplicate content, this trick is meant to do more harm than good to the website.
Search engine marketing resources never fail to mention about the importance of links. Truly, links play a crucial role in the online success of a website. A website with the most number of quality links ranks top on the search engine results.
Some web marketers participate in link farms or other link exchange programs to inflate their website’s incoming links. The fact is that the search engines are not only after the quantity of the links, they are after quality as well. Links from low quality websites don’t matter much. And worst, if the search engines found out about the “linking trick”, they will penalise the website.
Just like anything else, there is no shortcut way to online success. Top search engine ranking achieved through acceptable search engine optimisation strategies has long term benefits. Black hat SEO techniques will only give short term results and worst it can get a website banned on the search engines.
Black Hat SEO Versus White Hat SEO----
Some call it a question of ethics; others just call it business. The discussion is raging online and in marketing conferences around the world, but what exactly are black hat SEO and white hat SEO, anyway?
White hat SEO is the angelic version of optimization, that is, it employs only techniques as recommended – or at least, not barred – by search engines and their ever-changing guidelines. Typically, results in the form of more traffic and higher profits take anywhere from three months to a year. With this type of SEO, there is no fear of your site being banned by search engines.
Black hat SEO, on the other hand, is the impatient fraternal twin of white hat SEO. It utilizes techniques specifically banned by search engines like hidden text and hidden links. Some call this spam. Others call it business savvy. Whatever you call it, if the search engine gurus figure out your game then the gig is up and you're blackballed. That means that you could type the name of your company and your name and business address into the search box and your site still won't come up.
It basically breaks down like this: White hat SEO focuses on marketing and the text on a site, updating with keyword rich, informative articles that benefit their clients and build a solid following over time. Black hat SEO focuses on technology and IT tricks to get a ton of traffic right away.
The important thing to consider is what your goal is. Do you want high traffic or do you want high sales? With black hat SEO, you may get immediate results as far as visitors to your site but do these visitors want to buy what you have to offer? If not, who cares if they end up on your site? White hat SEO is more interested in targeted traffic, attracting the kind of visitors to your site who are actually looking for you and are ready to buy your products or services. Over time, your traffic and sales rise together as you build up a following through word of mouth and repeat customers.
So what's all the fuss about? Mostly, the rules. White hat SEO follows them meticulously. Black hat SEO follows the numbers instead. Those who take the time to research and follow the rules are irritated by those who achieve high search engine rankings without taking the same pains. However, black hat SEO proponents point out that search engine requests are hardly laws and therefore doing what they like is far from illegal. It's in this discussion that the white hat and black hat merge to become a grey hat.
In fact, white hat fanatics might charge that those who write articles specifically to utilize keyword repetition are manipulating the system and are dabbling in black hat SEO. The less fanatical may point to links as a grey area. Search engines don't want links on a site purely to drive traffic. However, if links are related to the content on the site, then that's okay. But what about those sites where there are paid links that have nothing whatsoever to do with the content of the site they grace? Paid links as advertisements are white hat. Paid links purely for driving traffic, black hat. True motivation of the webmaster? Grey hat.
When it comes down to it, everyone who utilizes search engines in hopes of gaining top rankings are going to use optimization in order to climb to the top of those rankings. If motivation is the only concern, then it is an issue of politics that need not take up your time. Just know that if you use technology, link farms, and other banned resources that are designed purely to drive traffic and you get caught, you will be blacklisted from the search engine. If it's worth the risk to you, then do what you have to do. The choice is yours.
Blow Up With SEO Company----
In order for business to maximize the benefits of the internet, it is important to have an ongoing search engine marketing strategy that focuses on getting related websites linking back to yours. SEO Delhi Company is an effective search engine optimization company its campaign should identify other related websites to get back links from. If any one want to get more information about search engine optimization process then need to fallow the e-fuzion.com. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion provides a great way to increase website traffic and also a major source to get one way links back to your site. There are lots of website directories available on the web that accepts articles in different varieties of categories. It is important for the user to select a category that matches with the theme and content of their websites. Thus it is an effective marketing method directed towards increasing targeted visitors to your website. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion contains some important things to be kept in mind for article upload in SEO service. It is generally to catch reader’s attention as well as divert a large amount of traffic towards your website. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion provides the valuable contents which are necessary and informative. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion rejects the repeated and long articles. So that it looks monotonous. It always keeps the point to make it interesting for the users. If the titles headline is short then search engine optimization process offers extra effort. Whenever a user searches for the article, there are chances of those articles to come in the top of search queries that are related with the keyword in title.
Boost Your SEO Facts----
Search engine improvement in direct we just say it SEO. In SEO metropolis consort e-fuzion the scheme place owner, intend the prizewinning solution for own scheme site. In SEO process, the technology particularly targets for audience and makes more traffic. In see engine optimization, it just increases the height of the site. In SEO Delhi, consort e-fuzion the methodical ness offers all the basic services like scheme development, scheme promotion, scheme organization and many more. A see engine refers the fine set of the scheme site. SEO optimizes the key text spacing and prominence. On tender search, engine improvement makes the targeted scheme tender most popular among number of scheme pages. It is most belike focuses on noises redaction band noises is the most pivotal bourgeois for on tender optimization. Actually, in see engine optimization, you encounter two pages digit is on tender and the incoming digit is off page. For getting more knowledge, the searcher needs to log in e-fuzion.com. The noises of your scheme place can ever use some theoretical enhancement. In addition, patch the re-wring is happen the contenter must keep in mind about the key words. For getting ranker see, engine improvement tries its best. In SEO Delhi, consort e-fuzion the contenter always, follow the unequalled and idealistic words, which are more attractive and beatific to read and listen. Keywords psychotherapy is the first travel in a trenchant see engine marketing campaign. Keywords should be chances to emit prospective client see characteristics. Through the database like articulate tracker or key articulate discovery, the scheme place owner can determine the most trenchant keywords for generating germane traffic. Search engine improvement searches assorted sites and choose the prizewinning one. The SEO metropolis consort e-fuzion makes the sites life more interesting and prosperous. SEO metropolis consort e-fuzion brings a new revolution in the online marketing. Through the theoretical enhancement, the searching impact makes the scheme place happier. In SEO metropolis Company, the e-fuzion methodical ness brings the prizewinning subject aspect for scheme place promotion. Which also helps revenue collection?
Bright Idea on Dazzling Way----
Actually in Search engine optimization there are so many processes like on-page optimization, off-page optimization, content optimization, article submission and blogging and various types of social media. The entire processes meet together to generate the result. It is real fact that optimization process can change the whole web world. But instead of that it is also necessary that the whole optimization processes should be very artistic and technically strong otherwise whole processes considered as a waste. It appears to be waste of time and waste of money. Now a days Search engine optimization means SEO Delhi Services is the process which can create sudden changes in the web world. Generally people who related with web world have so many delusions about search engine and their ranking process. They actually don't know about "how search engine work "and "what algorithm and principles" followed for their actual ranking process. Some peoples have misconception that only directories submissions and link submissions will enough for their ranking. The result will always generate by search engine optimization but never simple optimization processes. The SEO Delhi Services must have proper and sound knowledge of optimization, and understanding capability of real search world and related environment, and ability to survive in a team. A nice and proper Optimization work can change ranking of any website and huge changing in the search world.
These days search engine is a measurement of "site soundness". Here "site soundness" means if search engine will give ranking and priority to any site on certain keywords, then most of the internet users go through that and they generally believe that this site will more informative than other sites.
Brings a Grand Worth in Your Site----
SEO Delhi company e-fuzion always uses your main search terms as the text link. It pays concentration to which sites you are receiving links as of. It is in your most excellent attention to choosing sites that also include fine class inbound links themselves. Google obviously provide further significance to links as of less consequence sites. This is how you get our website page standing. If singularly you effort at home on website basis, next your objective spectators would be penetrating for employment at home opportunity with phrases such as job at residence labor at address jobs or liberated employment as of house jobs. SEO Delhi provides a conduct which resolve assist your web site to obtain elevated standing. SEO Delhi uses different key words in you text link, the search engines stipulations or phrases that you desire populace to employ while liability in explore. Connect and contribute in forums that narrate to your web site. Totaling new comfortable on an each day foundation is contract and is also critical to your sites attendance. By responsibility this, it makes your site more effortlessly indexed by the explore engines so, construction it extra interesting to company. SEO Delhi company e-fuzion updating your content commonly resolves also maintain folk’s guests approaching backside again and yet again. If your leaf title is easy, clear and expressive, Then SEO Delhi definitely helps you to compose it take away multifaceted for seek out engines to establish what each summon is about. It also makes for searchers to hurriedly establish, if your page contains what they are penetrating pro. The heading is one of the mainly significant apparatus on a web sheet. In SEO Delhi you get better chance as comparing with other organization.
Habitually SEO Delhi directories offer one-way relations. Though, you will discover some of them need a mutual index with superior sheet rankings. If you sprint onto mutual directories by very low page position don’t worry with them. Submitting to directories is sustained, but well values it if you take the instance to explore for the applicable ones.
Broken Links Are Bad News For Webmasters----
A webmaster or website owner’s role or responsibilities do not end when the website he operates goes “live” and is now accessible by visitors online. There are a whole new set of responsibilities and functions that a website owner has to assume in order to make sure that his website continuously works perfectly and is able to fulfill its intended functions. Some of the responsibilities he has to assume include providing fresh content as much as possible, submitting the website to search engines and actively looking for reciprocal links in order to raise the ranking in search engines.
One of the most crucial responsibilities of a website owner is to check for broken links to his website. Broken links can be considered as one of the worst things that can happen to a website. A lot of not so good perceptions and negative effects arise from having a site that is riddled with broken links.
In fact, broken links are plaguing so many websites that it is being considered as a serious problem on the web. Many reasons can be cited for the spread of broken hyperlinks, the general causes of broken links include: Websites not being maintained with the appropriate degree of dedication, the architecture of the website and how information is placed within the site constantly changes, and the large incidence of websites that are closing down.
Hyperlinks are a very important component of websites because it aids in the navigation around the webpages and points to directions outside of the site. A website without links is like a ton of documents that are piled one on top of the other with no rhyme or reason and no intelligent way for you to get to the information that you need.
Link management is a very important and absolutely essential part of maintaining a website. As previously mentioned, broken links bring with it very negative perceptions about the website and these can have very detrimental effects on the traffic generated by the website.
From a technical perspective, broken links can stop search engine robots dead in its tracks, effectively preventing it from completely mapping out a website for submission to search engines. In addition, a website that is riddled with numerous broken hyperlinks gives visitors the idea that the site is unprofessional and that the website owner or owners have a dubious reputation – very costly image problems that are hard to change once it is established. Moreover, visitors who encounter many difficulties in a website will most likely not go back for a return visit, this is almost tantamount to losing prospective clients. They will be turned off because they won’t get the page that they are looking for, thinking that it is not really in the site when in reality the page is there only that an error in coding made the page inaccessible.
With internet users becoming more and more sophisticated as time goes by, it will take website owners more effort to entice these users to visit their websites and broken hyperlinks will not help this very difficult process in any way.
Website owners and webmasters should be very aware of the bad effects of having broken links in their websites. They should diligently weed out and fix any broken links. Fortunately, there are now a growing number of handy utilities that can help webmasters located broken links. With these utilities, managing a website becomes relatively easier.
For example, xml-sitemaps.com has programmed a standalone script that will not only create sitemaps but also looks for broken links in a website and then informs webmasters or website owners what links they are and to which pages the links are associated with. This automation of the task of checking broken links is a great time saver for webmasters and website owners.
Build You Expression True through SEO----
In SEO Delhi you find both on page and off page SEO. On SEO Delhi you present your actual web site by adjusting your html tags and your website content. These include your title, l description and key word tags. You want these to include your keyword or key phrases. It also includes the content in your words. Anchor text is the readable text on your website that is clickable and takes the visitor to another web page or location. Use your key words here to make your site relevant. Don’t over do any of these techniques are you could be accused spamming. May be not directly but you will suffer in your rankings. Off site SEO is over looked often but is just as important if not more. This includes anything not on your site that may improve your rankings in the Search Engines. This is mainly links back to your website, but also could be how many visitors you received, how long they stay and what links they click. You can control in some what by SEO Delhi. The best links that you can get to your site are one way links. These are sites that link to you but you do not link back. Use SEO Delhi and be creative. Search Engine Optimization for any site doesn’t create magic. It is a slow and gradual process with lot of research and implementation. So if you are hiring any search engine optimization expert then have the trust factor. They have experience and they know what’s best for your sight. So with clear communication and approach give them the space to show results. For getting more information always visit SEO Delhi. Being a search engine optimizer its hard to believe that many companies are ready to invest good amount of money for SEO of there site. But when the recommendation for any change on site comes they don’t agree for it or in simple words they dint let there search engine optimizer ti do their job.
Build Your Website to Be Seen----
When you are building links to increase your website popularity, whom do you link to? The question of where to link to increase ranking can be confusing. Logical thinking is needed to achieve link popularity in a natural way. Yes, indeed, Google page rank should come first and foremost. Page rank is part of the algorithm of Google's ranking in the search engine results. Other search engines use link popularity in their algorithm to evaluate your website as well. But page rank is only one of the 100 plus criteria Google uses to evaluate your web pages. Use the idea of page rank as a "tool" to help make decisions, there's no need to live and die by the results. Link popularity itself is merely one-way to improve your ranking.
In fact, there is a general fear of reciprocal linking to websites who inadvertently link to a "bad neighborhood" with penalties or page rank zero, passing on problems to you. Use your common sense. Is this a website you would want to visit or your visitors would want to visit? If the answer is no or you can't tell what the subject of the site is, make a note of it and keep looking. A website full of links with little content doesn't "make sense" because what benefit is it to you or your visitors? Of course you are going to link to your partners in business or maybe the small website that is doing a bang up job of selling widgets and providing widget information.
The idea of acquiring link popularity by linking back and forth to other sites to boost your popularity artificially is a popular method. But is it of value to your website? Ask yourself: Would you link to this site if link popularity in the search engines didn't matter? Would your visitor care about this link or find it helpful? Does the website have good content? Is this an opportunity for you to publicize your website by being listed there? Will this link cause you to spend a great deal of time worrying about it?
Is the link "just a link" or do you want a link from any site whose visitors care about what you have to say
It makes sense to list your website in the search engines and directories. In fact, one-way linking, such as listing your site in directories, is a good way to improve your link popularity naturally. Well, you say to yourself, of course I've done that. Besides the major directories, what else is out there? You'd be surprised at the amount of good secondary and specialty directories that drive traffic. Some even specialize in a topic - maybe your topic. If you have a product to sell, look at who your competitor is linking to. Search for directories and business sites on your topic. Look for websites that talk about the widgets you sell and see if they accept submissions to their directory listings in the category for widgets. Do they accept original articles, product reviews, press releases or white papers about widgets? If so, submit your topical articles and watch your link popularity rise naturally. With your good content on other websites as well as archived on your own website, there you have it, links pointing back to your website.
Finally, enhance content stick-ness and optimize your web pages using proper keywords in your site to develop your website so once your visitors arrive, they will want to stay. The World Wide Web uses linking to connect us all. By using hard work to create a quality website and common sense when linking you can stop worrying and start succeeding in internet marketing attempt.
Build your Website Traffic by e-fuzion----
According to the markets demand Search Engine optimization exposes the websites, which people basically want to follow. It’s in reality helps the website to extra close with market by using comforting formula. For providing a good position to your website is best technique for use. SEO Delhi is a wing of Technologies; parent company which is a premium SEO / Internet Marketing company from Delhi. Several time the first words anyone ever hears are "search engine marketing" Or some sembla Search engine optimization Services will helps you capture targeted traffic for the people who are already looking for the product or service you offer. Complete internet marketing services to build and brand your company online with all the internet marketing tools. A well optimized website plays a pivotal role in any search engine marketing (SEM) strategy. Get you website ranking in Top 10 on Google, Yahoo & MSN, and Guaranteed SEO Delhi Services at an reasonable price. Is to understand the algorithmic structure in the engineering of a website that is in all practical purposes equal to a company's competition's relevancy, and make the client's website more relevant than the competition's in the eyes of the search engines. By optimizing for relevant keywords and phrases, this keeps both the search engine and the optimized website owner happy. The search engine maintains relevancy, and the website receives that all important targeted traffic. The process in which the website undergoes redevelopment to more effectively communicate your keywords to search engines is termed as SEO. SEO, Delhi has all the experience and ability required to help you realize your business objectives. Our Internet marketing services Delhi are tailor-made to meet all your specific online business needs and requirements. Our Internet marketing and SEO team is one of the most competent in India with a proven track record. Some of the SEO services Delhi are providing genuine services these days. If your website needs to be search engine optimized, always take great care in choosing the SEO Delhi Company.
Search engines cannot read graphics so you must include an alt tag in your convention to maintain the search engine from getting puzzled. Your titles and meta-tags should be fashioned to evidently recognize your keywords and keyword phrases. An utterance of prudence, deliberation does not bunch your titles and meta-tags full of your keywords or phrases.
Building A New Website In PHP----
New website owners and existing website owners alike consistently make a very common, yet extremely costly mistake. They find a web designer first and then an SEO second. Unfortunately, these entrepreneurs do not realize that literally every single thing that goes into building a new website will impact your SEO campaign. They commonly funnel thousands of dollars into a brand new website, only to find out that there are a lot of areas that must be rebuilt in order to have an optimum SEO campaign.
I will identify 6 major areas of concern, in hopes that even a small percentage of these website owners will come across this document at the right time, which is BEFORE they begin to develop their website.
1) Domain name registration & hosting. Make sure that when you register your website’s address that you register it for at least 5 years. Sites that register their site for a short amount of time send up a red flag at Google, who end up thinking that site site has been registered short-term in the hopes of helping another website, that is owned by the same person/company, to rank well by linking to it. When choosing your domain name, do not choose a URL that is riddled with hyphens between all your keywords. It is more important that you target this to your visitors than to the search engines.
2) Creating static URL’s. This is one of the most overlooked yet important things that you can do to ensure that your SEO campaign is a success. By eliminating dynamic parameters within your website’s URLs, you are ensuring that search engine bots will have no problems indexing all of your pages. Creating static URL’s can be accomplished by using the mod rewrite command in the .htaccess file in the root folder of your server. Here is an example of a dynamic URL (which you want to avoid), and a static URL (which you want):
Dynamic: http://www.yoursite.com/listings.php?ref=22
Static: http://www.yoursite.com/listings/22.html
Make sure that any potential programmer or designer that you hire understands that this will be a full requirement of the job.
3) Editing the head tag. There are three areas in the head tag that you will want to be able to either edit yourself or have your SEO edit. They are the page title, the description meta tag and the keywords meta tag. Having control over these for each of your top level pages (all the pages linked to from your home page), will be critical to your websites success in the search engines. You definitely do not want these to be the same on every page (they must be unique and reflect the nature of the content on the given page). For other pages that will be created in high volumes, you will want to make sure that there is a variable string (your web designer/programmer will understand what this is) in place for each of the three areas in question, so that they will automatically be filled with content that is the right length and reflects the content on the given page.
Again, make sure that your designer/programmer understands that this is a requirement of the job.
4) Clean, simple code. Ideally you want to define all aesthetic properties that different types of text on your site are going to have in a separate CSS file. This means that you want to avoid using as many tags as possible, especially font, size and color tags. You also want to avoid creating PHP scripts that are either two long, and contain a lot of unnecessary steps, or ones that rely heavily on javascript. It is best to avoid using javascript as much as possible.
Remember, the most important thing your site can be doing is making it easy for search engine bots to easy scroll through the code of your website and follow all the links that it finds. When there is unnecessary code and script on your site, it makes it a lot harder for them, thus hurting your SEO campaign.
Make sure that whoever is helping you build your site understands that there job is to output the cleanest, simplest code possible. If you have any questions about this or don’t understand it, it is best to talk to an SEO expert about it, to ensure that it is done properly.
5) Ensuring that visible written content is editable. The writing within the body of your site is one of the most important areas for you or your Optimizer to help your site increase it’s rankings. Ensuring that either of you can edit it at your own convenience is extremely critical to the entire SEO campaign. This because from time to time search engine algorithms will change, and that might mean that a strategy that was implemented in the past might not suffice, so you must be able to change it to keep up with the most up to date SEO techniques.
6) Site structure. Considering the nature of PHP, your site will most likely (and should) be created by a series of includes that puts all of the pieces of a given page together. You want to ensure that the layout and placement of graphics and navigational links within these includes is strategically correct. Remember, you don’t want to have to pay someone to go back and redo this, so it is critical to get it right the first time.
If you are unfamiliar with a lot of the information that I presented in this article, it is probably in your best interest to at the very least, consult with an SEO or SEO company during the entire design process. A good SEO will be very comfortable working with you and your design team to ensure that the end product will be one that will last you a long time, and will go a long way in helping your site generate revenue online.
Building Links To Increase Traffic And Page Rank----
Most sites have a links page - why? Well, there are two very important reasons why a web developer should consider having a links page.
1. Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is only one way of getting the search engines to pick up that you are there. Something else that you must not neglect if you want your website to be noticed is obtaining links.
2. Your website is offering a service to your visitors - links provide them with other sites of interest which they may want to visit. Although the retail industry might say they want people to stay on their site, rather than going anywhere else, carefully chosen links may be able to get people even more interested in the product you are selling! You may have to think laterally!
In the eyes of a search engine there definitely seem to be good links and bad links. Good links will get you higher up the page rankings and onto the top of the listings, bad links at best will be ignored and at worst could actually could against you and your site be listed much lower.
- A good link is one from a site which has high relevance to yours, and which is has a good page rank.
- A bad link is one from an obvious link farm, and has no contextual links to your sites.
Before we go further, lets talk a little bit about page rank. Page rank is the ranking that Google gives to website pages and shows their importance as Google sees it. The Google Toolbar, which can be obtained from http://toolbar.google.com for free, is a useful tool as it can display the page rank of any web page you are looking at. The page rank (or PR) of a site ranges from 0 to 10 - 0 is where you start, 10 would be exceptional! Although Google keeps the algorithms for working out PR very close to their chests, the progression through the numbers is probably on a logarithmic scale - that is, a site ranking 2 is many times more important than that ranking 1, not just 1 point.
When you are link building you should be trying to get links to your site from sites with a higher page rank than yours. Links from sites with good PR will immediately signal to the search engines that yours is a site worth indexing! The more links the better!
So should you only link with sites with higher PR? Well, if everyone practised this the chances of you getting any links for your embryonic site would be zero! A site may be 0 today, but that site may also be working hard to increase its rankings and you may benefit from their progress. Also, do remember your human visitors, a site may be useful to them, even if not for your purpose of increasing your rankings! So golden rules to remember:
- Aim to get links from high ranking pages
- Put up links from any site which has high relevance to yours.
First think of sites which it would be useful for your visitors to be able to go to from your site. For example, if you are a specialist site, are there some national organisations that promote your sport, hobby or industry? Your first step will be to email these organisations and ask if you can have reciprocal links with them.
Now this may a little bit of a David and Goliath situation, and many people feel put off because they think their new immature website is far too small. You may not get any response to your emails, you may get a response refusing you, but you may find a national organisation with good page ranking agrees to link to you! Be very pleased with this!
Immediately someone agrees to have a reciprocal link with you, put up their link on your website - just in case they decide to check!
Now, think again about your customers or visitors - even if the big organisations have refused to put a link to you on their site, it may still be useful to put a link to them on yours for your visitors’ information. Always remember the whole goal of getting website traffic is to get and keep loyal customers or visitors - not just to attract search engine bots!
Now the hard work starts. Search the web for sites on the same subject matter as yours, but which are obviously NOT competitors. Keeping an eye on the Google Toolbar look for sites which have a better page rank than yours - ideally the websites you are looking for will be ranked about 4 or 5 (higher ranking sites may be a bit snobbish towards novice sites).
What about people who supply goods and services to you - can they link to yours? What about customers? Try and think outside of the box here - if you have a sporting site how about a link to a local photographer?
Sometimes you can do good research away from the computer (yes, you can turn it off sometimes!). Trade magazines are often a good start - write to any email addresses and ask for a reciprocal link. You may find even if they do not have a links page already they may decide to add one! It never hurts to ask!
When you are looking at websites check that they have a links page. If they do you may find there is a form on which you can submit the details on your website asking to be added to their links page or a suggest site add new link button so that it is simple to add your site. You may need to email a website if they don't seem to be canvassing links. Don’t be too put off if there isn’t a relevant category for them to list your site in - they can always add more categories. If you don't ask you don't get! If you do ask - you may well succeed!
So don’t be worried about emailing and asking for reciprocal links - but do make sure you put up the links you promise! This may lead you to think a little about your site - some people don’t want to have their link at the end of a very long page. You should consider rotating banners so you can display more links, but keep the page simple. You make also need to restrict non relevant links.
If you know your subject show it! And one of the best ways is to join a forum. When posting or answering a topic on the forum always use a signature with your website address on it - if the forum users like what they read about you they will click on the ljnk to visit your website, and hey presto - you have more links coming into your site! If your hosting company has a user forum, there may well be a section where you can showcase your new site - if so, you will get a number of visits through this. Lovely links for search engines and fodder for the link spiders!
Also, if you visit the Guestbook of a relevant site you can also leave your website address there. BUT PLEASE ONLY IF IT IS A RELEVANT SITE!
Article writing as a technique for building links and traffic is a less obvious area which a lot of people don’t know about or understand.
Presumably you are an expert in your area - or at least have useful information to share with others. So write an article! Not sure if you can? Well, start with the content of your site as a basis - you may already find you have done the hard work. Can’t think of a subject? Well think laterally again. If you are selling artistic candles, for example, what about an article about the history of candle making? If you think hard enough there probably is something you can write about! You made need to do a little research, but articles will really help build your traffic and ranking. (And of course you can use them as content on your own site!)
Articles do not need to be lengthy - in fact shorter is better. Probably no more than 600 to 1000 words. What you want to do in your article is write about something related to your site.
Now there are a number of websites that you will publish your article for you. Other websites can use your article for free, but they HAVE to include the author details - which off course means your website details. People using your article will form links back to your site - the more different sites using it, the better the links!
Better still you can submit your article to any number of article sites. Ezine Articles is one of the biggest, but any search on Google will reveal a number of others.
Now, no one can pretend that this is an easy activity - it does take time. No one is going to use your article if it is not well thought out and tells them something new. It must not be boring either. But article submission is a really excellent way of improving your website’s position in the search engines, and should not be ignored.
Of course articles are also important resources for Webmasters in another way - free content for your site! There are sites out there which cater for an amazing number of subjects, and in themselves can be very useful and informative! Free articles for web designing, for example, can bring you other hints and tips for making the best of your website.
If you use an article you must put on the full author’s bio and a link back to their site. But the benefit to you is ready made content hopefully keyword rich which will attract the search engine bots like bees to honey!
Web rings are another way of building links - again, check the page rank of the web ring you are joining. Web rings give you links, and also provide your human visitors with other sites of interest which they may wish to visit.
Let’s face it - website design and publishing is actually a lot harder work that you probably first thought when you started designing your home page. But there is nothing more demoralising that having designed a wonderful site which you are extremely proud of - only to find you have no visitors at all!
You probably do want to spend all of your time fine tuning your existing pages, and putting up new ones, and anything which drags you away from this will be resented, but if you want a successful website link building is something which has to be done.
The best advice is to put one day a week aside for what we should call your marketing activities. Link building, along with SEO, are activities are extremely tedious. Build SEO into the way you construct your pages from the beginning (or in other words, consider not only the impact on the human eye as you design your page, but consider the spiders and bots at the same time!). And use your day a week to build links.
A tip from experienced developers in this area is not to aim to get hundreds of links in a short space of time - this will again make the search engines suspicious. Instead just aim to get one quality link at least once a month.
Website marketing is not a short sprint - it is more like a marathon. Many will start the race, but a large number will fall beside the wayside. But if you acknowledge it will be hard work and keep slogging away you will get to the end. There will come a time when you will receive a request from a reputable, well ranked website, asking for a reciprocal link from you! That may not be the end, but be assured that will give you a real buzz, and you will know then that most of your hard work will have been worth it!
Building Solid Web Site Strategies Aside from SEO----
We often hear people griping and lamenting about how Google, Yahoo, or MSN reduced their site's rankings, causing a huge loss of profits and business. These people surrender to the fact that their favorite search engine failed them and their business and are resigned to finding another search engine to advertise on, not realizing the real fact that they may just be committing another mistake waiting to happen.
Aside from pitfalls of the site itself, the most common mistake in this type of scenario is simply relying too much on a search engine to rake in the customers. This blatant fact of ignoring other avenues of online marketing is a common practice that leaves many companies and webmasters looking for other full-time employment at more established companies.
This type of “SEO is everything” perception is most prevalent in businesses that are new to Internet marketing. It should be avoided at the onset and throughout strategies and business plans to attract customers and leads, and Internet marketing and e-commerce should really be separated from other, more established ways of acquiring leads or sales.
Two simple reasons could be pointed out why over-reliance on SEO and search engines will kill your business:
First, search engines aren’t doing business for you. They’re doing business for themselves and for their owners. They would not care if your business took a sudden plummet because of your web site's loss of rankings. It happens by the thousands each day and search engines really could care less.
Secondly, if a search engine vanished or completely changed direction you’d be left with nothing. At this point you would’ve lost valuable time and money in focusing all your advertising efforts in that one single search engine.
The bottom line is to diversify your business strategy. You should always have a fallback or contingency plan. If you keep and follow other business tactics aside from SEO, a negative hit on your SEO arsenal will hurt you, but not completely cripple your business. There are other techniques such as e-mail marketing, banner ads, affiliate programs and direct marketing that can play an integral role in your marketing success. These techniques can prove to be as useful or, depending on your exact industry, even more useful than search engine advertising alone.
Some techniques to help you diversify your marketing plans are:
1) Try an offline contact building or ad mailing campaign. Prominently display your website's URL on printed materials. This would lead people to check out your site, and if they like what they see or find what they need, they may buy from you. Isn't that what you're after in the first place?
2) Don't focus all your strategies on one single technique, such as SEO. As the old adage goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket. The basket may fall and you'll break all your eggs. Diversity, diversity, and diversify some more.
3) Never under estimate the power of well-written press releases. There are many excellent online news submission sites that are being monitored by the major search engines. If you have a good press release with a healthy density of those all-important keywords, your press release (and hence your website) will appear on all search engines' news features.
4) Depending on your specific field of business, there may be online directories or vertical niche sites that cater to your industry. Seek them out and submit articles or press releases to them. Customers looking for information in your industry will find your site if the location is well targeted.
5) Keep your site updated. You may have regular news or features that search engines will quickly pick up. If you syndicate parts of your site, you'll reach a wider audience. A blogging or comment-type area of your site is good because it allows customers and visitors to write about your services or products, thus increasing content for your site and improving your search results. There’s nothing better than free content, right?
6) Always keep an eye out on the competition. Learn from their tactics. See how their tactics are hurting you or giving you opportunities to offer something more. Then go back and revise your strategies based on what you find out from your opponents.
7) When all has been said and done, it would all boil down to having a website that has keyword-rich content and relevant incoming and outgoing links. Long-term ranking rely on this factor more and more with each passing day. Even if it means hiring a good writer to build your content, do it. The payoff is priceless.
E-commerce, Internet marketing, web business, whatever you may want to call it, might not necessarily be and easy or quick method. In fact, just like conventional avenues of business, it requires as much planning, thinking, and foresight to get the results you are after. The general rules we've discussed would go a long way to helping your online business prosper and profit.
Building Your Website Business With An SEO Professional-----
Many people enter into the world of creating an Internet based business on their own. They feel that because they know how to access and undertake some things on the Internet that they know enough to develop an overall Internet business marketing plan. In point of fact, the typical Internet business owner actually does not know all he or she needs to know in regard to Internet marketing and promotion. If you are in the process of starting or creating an Internet based business, you should give serious consideration to employing the services of a SEO professional to aid you in developing your own Internet business marketing plan and program.
Of course, the basic benefit to be realized from using an SEO professional to assist you with the development of an Internet marketing and promotion scheme is experiences. SEO development is something that requires experience in order to be effective. Thus, in your search for an SEO professional, you will want to know precisely what type of experience a particular SEO professional might have before you engage that person to assist you with your business enterprise.
The best way to obtain information about a SEO professional’s experience in the business is to obtain references from the professional. Nothing bespeaks a person’s abilities -- including a SEO professional -- than prior clients. By reviewing references you will be able to determine whether a particular SEO professional has the experience, ability and aptitude that will serve you and your business interests.
You may hesitate to hire a SEO professional because you think such a professional will be too expensive. If you are like most business owners, you do try to maintain a strict budget. You try to avoid any unnecessary expenses.
With that said, you should view the hiring of a SEO professional as being an investment in the future of your company or business. By retaining a SEO professional, a qualified SEO professional, you will be able to have developed for your business a marketing scheme that will attract more traffic to your website. More traffic translates into more business. Of course, additional business means increased revenue. And, ultimately, an increase in revenue -- obtained without breaking the bank in the process -- will mean more profits from your business enterprise in the long run. In short, and as has been mentioned, hiring a SEO professional can be a solid investment for your business.
Buying expired domains for PR, does it still work?----
I’ve done some experiments over the past few months about expiring domains with PR to see if it is worth your while to catch these expired and deleted domains.
My idea why I would like to use expired domains is the notion that old domains are favored than new domains, and to get instant PR.
So I set out to find deleted domains with PR that I can register. One characteristic of domains I was looking for was that the domain still had a PR, and it was still listed in google.
I won’t be mentioning the actual domains here as I need to control the results and prevent people from making backlinks to these domains.
I registered about 4 domains, some have PR2 and PR3. Some have a few pages indexed, some have a few thousand. I also bought a couple of new domains for my new projects.
I found out that google rarely visits these domains so I need to prime it but with some fresh backlinks. After creating some backlinks to these domains, two domains eventually lost their PR. These two domains have only a few pages indexed in google. In one domain, I did a 301 permanent redirect to the new index page. This domain retained its PR. One key difference this domain has compared to the other two is that this domain has thousands of pages indexed in google.
In another domain, I did a 301 and redirect it to a fresh new domain. The result is that the new domain got indexed faster and more pages were indexed compared to another new domain I registered at the same time. However, PR was down to 0.
There is also a case where I did a 301 redirect from an old deleted domain with PR and never got any benefit from it.
In conclusion, there is still conflicting results on whether buying deleted/expired domains. Some works, some don’t. However, what seem to work is that…
a. Old delete domains does contain traffic from existing backlinks. If the old domain has tons of backlinks, it still does generate some traffic.
b. Other search engines such as yahoo and msn do not seem to have an biases against expired/deleted domains.
Campaign You Web In One Way Linking----
Keep in mind to keep this unique value as the lynchpin of your web site linking strategy. Then think about like this, would you want to link to someone who does not have anything of merit on his or her site. SEO Delhi Company explains in details the various issues related to the linking campaign that you will need to mount, to establish your worth in the algorithms of search engines. Some of the issues that we will be tackling in this and subsequent articles. SEO Delhi creates one way incoming links to your site, the identification of resources to link. Evaluation of the resources identified, Hoe to approach others with your link requests, where to put the link in your we site, where should the incoming link to your web site be placed in other site, the almighty anchor text, linking software evolution, the don’ts of linking campaign, sundry tips and trips, how the maintain linking ledger. Hence these steps should be to set up your house properly before inviting others. SEO Delhi Company has created noteworthy inducements lets get started with the LC. But you must remember that one good quality incoming link is better than different inferior quality incoming ones. The quality of the linking campaign is very important. This is because SEO Delhi Company sees them as they are one way link. This gives a significant vote in other words the search engine that you have not traded a link some one has found genuine merit in your web and has linked to you. They value that link higher than others.
Hence SEO Delhi s first effort should be directed towards developing a web in top ranking. In SEO Delhi (e-fuzion) the directory listing first. And there you find number of numerous directories, which can submit a site to. With some one like dmoz you can aspire for more than one incoming link as well. You can try some of the paid options of URL inclusion if your budget permits it. Then in SEO Delhi (e-fuzion) you find multiple, regional and topical directories, which one can look for and get the site submitted to.
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